Lately he has been more equivocal, noting that his interest is “jobs and people,” a version of the “jobs and growth” incantation that blinds politicians, and conservative politicians especially, to social and environmental concerns.Shortly before the May federal election, the Ocean Elders, a group of eminent citizens from around the world, wrote an open letter to Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten imploring them to protect the bight. We had the beach to ourselves.Everywhere, as we travelled around the Eyre Peninsula, we were implored to Fight for the Bight — posters at the bakeries, newsagents and pubs, stickers plastered to car bumpers. Great white sharks cruise these waters, but the waves are so pure that few serious surfers are deterred. On a bare patch of ground between the caravan park and the back of the roadhouse stand windmills of different sizes and ages. •To sign up for our free email newsletter, enter your email address below.The government must make clear that it doesn’t want any more boomsCapping negative gearing, as Scott Morrison tried to do as treasurer, would be a small but useful step. The next stage of the GAB Alliance campaign will be focussed on how to ensure long-term protection of this unique marine wilderness area. They came with caravans and tinnies, ready to set up camp and spend days on the water fishing. He worries about drilling in the bight and the effect an oil spill would have on Penong and other towns on the coast. We are truly blessed to call this amazing Noosa community home. I don’t remember seeing a sign on the highway to suggest a stop was worthwhile. What are whitefellas talking about when we talk about “cultural burning”? And beyond its economic value, locals know its beauty.

The fight so far Om kampanjen på norsk / For Norwegians News. Share this website, follow the alliance and their partners on social media and help get the message far and wideWe have compiled a few resources for you to get out there and let people know, there is campaign info, petition sheets and more Your donation allows us to support community initiatives that actively work towards protecting the BightThere are around a dozen groups along the coast of South Australia and Victoria working on the campaign. Signs urged people to hop on a surfboard, paddleboard or kayak and paddle out to join protests. The Bight sustains wild fisheries and aquaculture industries worth around $440 million per annum (2012–13) and regional tourism industries worth around $1.2 billion per annum (2013–14). Shirl is more definitive: he knows nobody who is in favour of it.The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association reckons that Equinor’s proposal Liberal politician Rowan Ramsey is the federal member for Grey, which covers more than 92 per cent of South Australia: all of the state other than the densely populated southeast. According to Equinor’s own worst-case modelling, a spill could spread over thousands of kilometres, west to Perth and as far east as the coast of New South Wales. We had the beach to ourselves. In June 2017, in a statement expressing support for the plan to drill, he praised the record of Statoil (now Equinor) and said he looked forward to the company bringing its “skills” to the bight. Penong does. THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN BIGHT IS UNDER THREAT FROM BIG OIL. Before making their decision, they should be made to stand on the Bunda cliffs. It showed the potential for oil on beaches over a thousand miles. The limited number of camp sites in the dunes behind the beach are filled by surfers who stay for days, weeks or months.Phil “Shirl” Laws and his wife Sharon run the Penong General Store and Comet Cafe. Not all remote Australian towns feel welcoming. Land & Sea brewery were selling our special Fight For The Bight Beers & Tee’s with all proceeds going towards the Great Australian Bight Alliance. On his way across the Nullarbor he’d stop at Bunda, at the top of the bight, and look out to sea.

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