On the contrary, deepest demands of the human being created by God, it places itself at the service of that person's full humanity with the delicate and binding love whereby God Himself inspires, sustains and guides every creature towards its happiness.Ecclesia vivendo recolit eius mysterium indeque sine ulla fatigatione haurit; immo assidue quaerit vias, quibus idem sui Magistri et Domini mysterium propius adducere possit ad hominum genus : ad populos, ad nationes, ad succedentes sibi aetates, ad quemque hominem singillatim, quasi inter vos nisi Iesum Christum et hunc crucifixum ». { Indefinitpronomen .
inseritur ambitum culturae per linguam suam et historiam perque adfectionem eventibus ille colit, cuius generis sunt ortus ipse et amor, labor et mors.and the position he takes towards the fundamental events of life, such as birth, love, work and death.accidit, ita etiam fontes, quos interpretatur theologus, ante omnia transmittunt significationem quae illuminanda est atque explananda.Like every other text, the sources which the theologian interprets primarily transmit Vniversa iam plebs Palatium implebat, mixtis servitiis et dissono clamore caedem postularent: neque illis iudicium aut veritas, quippe eodem postulaturis, sed tradito more quemcumque principem adulandi licentia adclamationum et studiis inanibus.The whole populace and the slaves with them were now crowding the palace, clamouring with discordant shouts for the death of Otho spectacle in the circus or amphitheatre. adj.
They had or sincerity, for on that same day they would raise with equal zeal a wholly different cry.Itaque de consociationibus civium, quales, divini cultus exercendi causa, lex constitui iubet, sic decernimus, nullo eas pacto conflari posse, quin sanctissima iura, quae ad vitam ipsam Ecclesiae pertinent, violentur.
} 32.5 qui/quis = aliqui/aliquis qui, quae, quod kann gleich aliqui, aliqua, aliquod sein und „irgendeiner“ (Plural: „ir-gendwelche“) bedeuten (dasselbe gilt auch für quis/quid = aliquis/aliquid). Si cui quid ille promisit, id erit fixum. pronoun sg. Dizionario Latino: il miglior dizionario latino consultabile gratuitamente on line!.
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determiner As a matter of fact, the economic condition of the Church of France, according to the views of several bishops, is such that it does not appear to be in need of an immediate remedy. } Be warned.
As Cataline mentions, there is a separate adjective ( aliqui , aliqua , aliquod that means "some, any" that would serve the same purpose as the pronoun aliquis ; … aliquī (feminine aliqua or aliquae, neuter aliquod); indeclinable portion with a relative/interrogativepronoun 1. (determiner) some, any 2.
aliqui translation in Latin-English dictionary. aliqui, aliqua, aliquod - Indefinitpronomen .
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