A date with hazelnut puree and dark chocolate comes damn close to my beloved child Bueno... Clear recommendation to buy! Mild (not at all bitter) taste with a slight sweetness. In my opinion the best nutmeg, must never be missing in my cereal as topping :)


13.97 centimeters in length and a diameter of 175 millimeters result in a smoking time of roughly an hour.

Einfach nur mega lecker!!!

Vielleicht hatte ich nur Glück, aber: das Mus, das ich bekommen habe, war SEHR cremig und fein gemahlen, fast flüssig. Maybe I was just lucky, but: the mush I got was VERY creamy and finely ground, almost liquid.


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und desperados, salitos, caiman-beer & co!

Tastes incredibly delicious, like hazelnuts you just roasted fresh.

Super Ersatz für Schoki, lecker mit Banane oder auf Vanilleeis.

Eine wirklich gute Qualitaet zu dem Preis und geschmacklich eher mild.

It's probably something for smoothies, but I don't make them very often.

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