Or even straight bonus damage - like some other classes have for mastery. Not only can you get 3x dmg conduits but you also get the 10% verse when using condemn. Love your clear explanation and text formatting. I'll give Arms a shot, even though I've never enjoyed it in prior expansions.
Not only can you get 3x dmg conduits but you also get the 10% verse when using condemn. Was a joy to read. Does anyone know if this has a CD or is arms just lucky with the covenant ability with no CD.Venthyr just seems op with Theotar the Mad Duke soulbind. Explorez les royaumes de l’au-delà dans la nouvelle extension de World of Warcraft, Shadowlands. Thanks for giving it some perspective.But I have been told by every single streamer fishing for clicks that door of shadows will literally ruin the game and is the most OP ability in WoW history!
I hope retribution paladin gets something similar.I don't understand what's so hard to make arms hit much harder with their slow-paced abilities? So Arms is still boring to play? Limiting any specs to certain weapons (like DK ones) is not and has never been a good thing imo.I don't know exactly how to implement the changes I'm thinking, but here are my thoughts.Great post! It might do a bit more dmg than fury but if it sucks to play that doesn't matterArms feels a lot better to play in Shadowlands than it does in BFA.Anyone know if Stoneform and the Phial of Serenity share CD akin to PvP-trinket and racials?Test of Might is the only thing that makes arms rotation fun and satisfying in bfa. Arms Warrior Legendary Powers.
Make Mortal Strike chunk healthbars but cost more rage just like in classic. Just remember arms in bfa season 1 - it was the most boring spec ever outside of sweeping strikes + execute window.
Below is our collected feedback and opinions on the current state of Arms Warriors on the Shadowlands Beta, mainly focusing on PvE viability, identity, and design intent. I'm still not fond of the excessive amount of buttons for its rotation, but it definitely sounds better in Shadowlands. Necrolords can make it tankier in pvp - especially if all players are counted as powerful.
While I agree with the general concept, I find it ironic that you post starts with "Needs to be a crit class!" Maybe it'll be worth playing over Fury for once.Venthyr just seems op with Theotar the Mad Duke soulbind. Arms Warriors have had a tumultuous time, struggling to find an identity or forge a clear class fantasy, the spec has been subject to numerous sweeping design changes over the last several expansions.
The Warrior Necrolord Covenant Class Ability granted only to Warriors who ally themselves with the Necrolords: Conqueror's Banner Brandish the banner of the Necrolords for 2 min , increasing your movement speed by 10% and causing Mortal Strike (Arms) , Raging Blow (Fury) , and Shield Slam (Protection) to grant you Glory. I don't see any legendaries or conduits that can make arms rotation fundamentally fun like ToM does now in bfa.Rotation doesn't look very exciting, talents could change and stuff so we don't really know. The change to mastery is very welcoming however, it might make that stat useful now. You have fury for that. I say "nearly" because Feral still exists, but still! Rejoignez une congrégation et prenez d’assaut une prison … that serves as a vessel for Legendary Powers.. Chance to crit in its place would be a lot better. to pick which Secondary stats you want to have on the Legendary item. Guess I'll pass it again. If arms' abilities actually did what they were supposed to do, you'd feel good about the slow-paced GCD nightmare, simply because when you see those big #$%^ crits on your screen, you are immediately rewarded. Your door of shadows analysis is the most level-headed that I have read. Are you saying they're not being fully honest?they need to make arms a crit spec instead of a haste spec.I thought ancient aftershock generates 6-30 rage every 2 seconds. This is going to be good.they need to make arms a crit spec instead of a haste spec. It's just THAT SIMPLE. I'd still like to know that when I bring my sword down on someone they are taking a lot of damage... not the dot that comes afterwards.This entire spec must be purge ! when literally offering said guaranteed crits baseline rather than through critstacking across the expansion, from $%^& to hero, devalues crit to the point you probably just want to stack Haste/Mastery/Vers anyways.they need to make arms a crit spec instead of a haste spec. Are you saying they're not being fully honest?TL;DR , in short . I want to read the others but it's to find them using the search engine, thank you.But I have been told by every single streamer fishing for clicks that door of shadows will literally ruin the game and is the most OP ability in WoW history! Does anyone know if this has a CD or is arms just lucky with the covenant ability with no CD.they need to make arms a crit spec instead of a haste spec. @mods : can you put links to the other "State of x class" articles in each one ?
thanks.Great writeup. Wish they would just ditch the bleed though, its not really "mastery of a weapon" like. Arms Warriors have had a tumultuous time, struggling to find an identity or forge a clear class fantasy, the spec has been subject to numerous sweeping design changes over the last several expansions. they need to make arms a crit spec instead of a haste spec. Battlelord (Neck/Wrist) — Your Slam has a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike. Just make them do a lot more damage to compansate for the slower gameplay. Go Venthyr or Kyrian , and Suck It Up arms buddies.I thought ancient aftershock generates 6-30 rage every 2 seconds.The night fae covenant ability is better for M+ skips since you get a movement speed buff with 3 15 yard blinks and invisibility at the end.Great read, thank you for such clear image of my main spec.An Archi post on the warrior? Here is how a Base Item looks like in the game.
Arms doesn't need to be a fast paced spec. Seems like it suffers from "we're pretty much leaving it alone and using expansion features decide it fate" like other classes. The powers listed here are intended for Arms Warriors. This is, so far, the best "state of" post for SL.
Major covenant abilities look nice, it all depends on situation and what you're doing though.
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