Okay, dann fangen wir direkt an! My bias is Taehyung :))))) Woooooooooooohhhhoooooo I got jungkook I am sooooooooooooooooo happy I love you I’m totally speechless I rlly like you I hope we meet but I don’t think so nooooooooo because imI from Indiai got Jungkookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Kommentar löschen möchtest?Bitte beachte die nun folgenden Anweisungen, um das von uns verachtete Verhalten zu unterlassen. Then I did How well do you know Jimin Poll. Anyway, your dates with him will never be boring. You would have a comfortable relationship, but you might be surpised… in a good way.really? Yay!
Hobbi ahh, noona love you so much!!!

I would want to get Taehyung and Suga if I can… er how do you get them? Ich hab Sugaaaa jaaa ich wusste schon immer das wir zusammen gehören mein Sugababe is my favorite i love how serious he is but also how kind he is. Anyways I’m going to keep trying so I can make sure I will never, ever get the same person ten times in a row like I did on the wanna one boyfriend quiz. There were others but these were the must get list.Okay got Jin.

You would have a comfortable relationship, but you might be surpised… in a good way.I GOT MY BIAS TAEHYUNGIE IM SO LUCKY AND BLESSED..IF ONLY THIS IS TRUE☹I tried 2 times more n I got both the same: Jungkook XD*claps* i got Suga…I’ve been on all quiz websites i’ve found and my BTS boyfriend always comes back as Suga..Yay!Yes I got my bias V for my bias in twice Nayeon #Taeyeon ShipperI got now jin for my bias sowon and wish next is v again for Lisa ahhhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was my least favorite when I first got into BTS but my bias now. I can’t believe this. It turns out that Jungkook is my boyfriend. At least I got mah bias wrecker, VWahhh..I got RM first then I changed,then after I got Jhope then i changed again and I was hoping for Jungkook,but then it wasn’t Jungkook who popped up but it was V,then for the last time i was really Really hoping for Jungkook,THANKS to my brain it worked.My husband,Jungkook showed upi got JUNGKOOK!!! Rm 2nd. And meried with park jimin my real name is chrisaiah i set my name to park iah cuz park means park jimin and iah is my nickname i hope i see you all i am a 2013 fan but i dont go to one of your concert or fanmetting cuz we dont have money to buy it i love you bts and mostly park jimin…… Loves chrisaiah aka army that doesnt have album and doesnt go to bts concert or a fanmeet cuz she dont have a money i wish in this christmas simeone gives me a ticket to fanmeet of bts or a album or a army bomb or a ticket to concert wish that i can see you all bts love…. He’d like to surpise me and sometimes I’d think he’s weird.

They also say you need to love yourself because you can try to change yourself on the outside but on the inside you can’t change yourself ever, so you need to get to know yourself to be in love with who you really are.YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s my everythinglol i knew which answers would lead to who so i decided to be honest instead of just picking which ones would lead to my bias. Hahaha. I gots my ultimate bias. . Anyway, my dates with him will never be boring. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw he needs more linesI was hoping for Jungkook, but oh well. I knwo it’s just a fandon question but im hoping it becomes real .sksksksksks but think about it, Jungkookie playfully “fights” with his members when Jimin is very huggy and prepares a lot of their birthday cakes etc… and puberty hit Jungkook hard(In a good way lmao)I got suga and he is my bias omgggg omggg omggg i didnt expect i get him because i am stranger omggggI got V…he’s actually quite similar to my personality (lol) “`>__<“`I got V. Though our personalities are quite similar I wanted RM.i got suga my bias IM SHAKING WTF DAT WAS SO UNEXPECTINGYour BTS boyfriend is V! *well his my ideal type of boyfriend* and i didn’t thought of getting him~but somehow why do i felt *bickering* (you know…)I got V. Let’s trade.

Ennur ich gebe dir recht ich hatte auch Jungkook und Jungkook ist einfach Ein TraumMann❤ ㅋㅋ! !i got Jimin jakendfnked i think im dying my bias ajsdfkfkadfkaMy bias is V, but my boyfriend is Jungkook heheheh.

Yoongi❤️❤️❤️ Uwu I love him

He’s cute. You would have a comfortable relationship, but you might be surpised… in a good way.I GOT MAHHHH BIAAASSSSSSSSSSS, MINNN SUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi decided to take this quiz because there’s no prof here. Anyway, your dates with him will never be boring. Das whar super mach weitter Devon (*-*)(°-°) ;) I know it doesn’t mean anything.. but still.. I got Jungkook in my first try.

I got Jungkook and he’s my bias, omg.

Warum bekomm ich immer tae obwol ich junkook liebe Rm 7th. Ich ging nervös runter zu meinen Eltern die in der Küche saßen ?, What place in South Korea do you wand to go with him? J-Hope is also the playful one and also has a huge sense of humor he laughs at EVERYTHING, his birth name is Jung Ho-Seok (ㅓㅕㅜㅎ ㅙ-ㄴ대ㅏ). !Your BTS boyfriend is V! !OMG.I got jungkook.I don’t know if it is a coincidence or not but I played this quiz two times but even after choosing different options each time,I got jungkook. He’s 5 years younger than me. HAHAHAHAI GOT VERY MY FIRST HUSBAND AYEEEEE❤❤❤❤❤– i AM LUCKY BECAUSE I GET VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-SSSSANNi got my baby v he’s so hot in my taste of men and funnyI got RM and he is my bias! Soll kein Hate sein nur ein Tipp fürs nächste mal❤

My biaaaaaa!!!!! ... Wanna know who your future husband is from bts...take this quiz to find out... Add to library 2 Discussion 13.

And those were the ones I wanted. Let’s take this short quiz and find out who’s your BTS prince. my lifeu bias love everythingI GOT MY BABYYYYY!!!! But omg I got my bias!! Omg ich habe suga ich liebe ihn so sehr ❤❤❤❤❤❤ hahaha i decided to take the able router to connect then I almost fell in my seat when this Oppa’s face came out in my screen after i answered it all….Yoongi.

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