"The Corona pandemic has shown that we need to cooperate much more. We stand together in difficult times and help each other", said Liese. The current coronavirus crisis is of high concern to all of us, but we should not lose sight of people suffering from chronic, previously untreatable diseases. So beispielsweise der heimische Europaabgeordnete Dr. Peter Liese. The corona crisis continues to have Europe firmly in its grip.

That is why the use of modern technology in line with the European data protection standards is crucial", said MEP Peter Liese, spokesperson for health of biggest political group in The Europe Parliament (EPP - Christian Democrats). The corona crisis continues to have Europe firmly in its grip. We are still seeing several thousands of people dying from the corona virus every day in Europe. Bestwig.

We are still seeing several thousands of people dying from the corona …

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"To prevent further lockdowns, the use of modern technology such as Corona apps is of enormous importance. Martin Korte. Cookies erleichtern die Bereitstellung unserer Dienste. That is why I encourage member states to establish the app which must of course be compatible with other apps in other European countries and I encourage citizens to use it”, said Peter Liese.Member States with sufficient medical capacity will be called upon to support those whose health systems are currently overburdened by the COVID 19 pandemic. The peak of the crisis will hit the Member States with a time lag and when other countries reach the peak of the crisis, these countries will be grateful if they too can feel the effects of European solidarity. Germany is even taking over patients from France, where the crisis is coming to a head. Various Member States are, for example, supplying ventilators to Italy, which has been hardest hit by the crisis.

With our traditional methodology, identifying contact persons and trying to inform them in the traditional way we can just not control the disease. Foto: Michael Gottschalk / FUNKE Foto Services. Doch es gibt auch Mahner. Peter Liese (Christian Democrats), now has good news. In a resolution prepared by all pro-European parties, it reads: "intends to negotiate a legally binding calendar to be agreed by the budgetary authority for the subsequent introduction of additional new own resources in the course of the first half of the next MFF, such as the Emissions Trading System (and its revenues raised by any future enlargement); a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the digital tax, the Financial Transaction Tax ...“.

0. Requests for a split vote from the Liberal Group to remove this passage from the resolution failed to secure a majority.MEP and health policy spokesperson of the largest group in the European Parliament (EPP-Christian Democrats), Peter Liese, strongly welcomed the proposal. "The Corona pandemic has shown that we need to cooperate much more. The instruments provided by the Commission for this purpose are explicitly praised, and these should now be used and applied by the Member States. 0. That is why I am really convinced that we need to use modern technology like the corona-app. Die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus in unserer Region macht dem südwestfälischen CDU-Europaabgeordneten Dr. Peter Liese große Sorgen. Just like the corona virus, many other health threats respect no borders, which is why politicians must act more jointly across borders," says Dr Peter Liese, health spokesperson for the largest political group in the European Parliament (EPP/Christian Democrats). Um eine zweite Welle, möglicherweise einen neuen Lockdown, mit all den negativen Auswirkungen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu verhindern, halte ich die von der Bundesregierung bereit gestellte Corona-Warn-App deshalb für einen ganz wichtigen Schritt.

Deshalb müssen wir alles dafür tun, dass die Bewirtschaftung rentabel bleibt“, so Liese. The European Parliament will adopt a resolution on the common response to the corona virus crisis on Friday. MEP and health policy spokesperson of the largest group in the European Parliament (EPP-Christian Democrats), Peter Liese, strongly welcomed the proposal. Information zu Corona: Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen zum Corona-Virus. Das Coronavirus ist weiter unter uns und die Entwicklung in anderen Ländern wie Brasilien und Russland zeigt, wie gefährlich es weiterhin ist. With the usage of our services you permit us to use cookies. Jetzt wird er in der Corona … Photograph by Pedro Vilela/Getty Images The novel coronavirus has the world firmly in its grip. With our traditional method of identifying contacts and trying to inform and warn them through regular channels, we cannot effectively control and contain further, severe outbreaks. Der Europaabgeordnete Dr. Peter Liese (CDU) fordert Zwangsmaßnahmen, falls die USA Mittel gegen das Coronavirus für sich behalten wollen. This is the answer that the European Union should and will give to the corona crisis”, this is the assessment of the health spokesperson of the biggest group in the European Parliament (EPP, Christian democrats) Dr. Peter Liese. This is not only an economic question, but I also understand that many people are suffering psychologically. Just like the corona virus, many other health threats respect no borders, which is why politicians must act more jointly across borders," says Dr Peter Liese, health spokesperson for the largest political group in the European Parliament (EPP/Christian Democrats).

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