Die Deutsch- Skandinavische Gemeinschaftsschule (DSG) ist eine bilinguale Schule in Berlin-Tempelhof ; Bei der Nutzung digitaler Hilfsmittel ist darauf zu achten, dass die Sicherheit der verwendeten … We are sociocratic, trilingual (Portuguese, Spanish, German) and we offer self-directed education.

Similarly, the way in which children and adults are treated with equal dignity provides a strong motivation, as well as the nonviolent, needs-centered style of conflict resolution.

We also welcome voluntary donations towards equipping and furnishing our school to meet the needs of our students. Daher ist der Datenschutz in der Schule von Bedeutung. Students will be free to interact with students of all ages, there will be no separation according to age.

We intend to open in the coming school year 2017/18.You are welcome to apply for a place in our school for your children, get their name on our list and come along for a familiarization and information session.Initially we are accepting mainly children from Primary School years 1 to 3.Further information on the application process and entry requirements may be found in the section “Contact & Enrollment”.As a school that is maintained by a charitable organization we are dependent upon financial support, but also on physical donations and volunteering.It is also possible to become a society member, to take on guarantees, to become part of a loan and gift community and also of course to donate in many different ways. This mix of ages allows each child to learn in accordance with his/her own needs and at his/her own pace. These include a prepared environment, which facilitates independent living and learning, substantial child participation and a sociocratically organized school structure. As well as language teaching through immersion in German, Spanish and Portuguese, the APEGO-Schule adds further elements and initiatives to the educational landscape. You will have the opportunity to help shape this unique project from the beginning, to become part of our founding team and to practice your profession in a needs-oriented, integrated environment.At the moment we have approval status.

Er soll den Einzelnen davor zu schützen, dass er durch den Umgang mit seinen personenbezogenen Daten in seinen grundrechtlich geschützten Persönlichkeitsrechten beeinträchtigt wird. August 2016 eine neue Grundlage für Datenübermittlungen in die USA zur Verfügung.Ab sofort ist die vollständig überarbeitete Kinderwebseite der Berliner Beauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit online.Seit März 2017 finden bei der Berliner Beauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit zweimal im Monat kostenlose Beratungssprechstunden eigens für Start-ups statt. Mai 2018 ist die neue europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) wirksam. Das Wichtigste zum Datenschutz in der Schule.

The Wangari Maathai International School (WMIS), Berlin’s Second International School, provides a well-balanced educational program with classes in German and English for children from highly mobile families as well as those who live permanently in Berlin. Alle Termine 2020 finden Sie hier (Anmeldung ist erforderlich):Hier finden Sie unsere aktuellen Stellenausschreibungen für die Bereiche Recht, Informatik und Sekretariate.

We are a intercultural, multilingual and sociocratic school that offers self-directed education in Berlin. Diversity forms the identity of our school, which is expressed both through the age range and also through cultural and linguistic heterogeneity.APEGO-Schule Berlin is open to students from 8:00 am to 06:00 pm.

More information can be found in the section “Funding & Support”We look forward to hands-on support for the construction and renovation of our school building!

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