They concluded that this was not the work of the Uldyssian was aghast at the suggestion. Rathma did not deny it, telling Mendeln that he was his distant ancestor, and through him, Inarius and Lilith were as well. Uldyssian was able to dispatch them, once again catching Rathma off-guard as to just how powerful Uldyssian had become.
He explained to Mendeln that against Lilith, against Hell, and even his father, he had been willing to play the long game, but with Heaven aware of the world's existence, oblivion was nigh.The Edyrem destroyed the Temple of the Triune.
The jungles of Kehjan are rich in the Rathma told Mendeln that they would head for Kehjan's jungles. Rathma fell into despair, believing all to be lost. Rathma was a key participant in …
Rathma believed that one day, the Edyrem would return, and when that day came, they must not be an appendage to either Heaven or Hell. They realized that he must have been taken by an angel, and ergo, Heaven had discovered the existence of Sanctuary. But first, I will give him children." It shifts and moves in repsonse to is emotional state. Rathma warned, however, in regards to Inarius's parting threat, that the angel might seek to remake Sanctuary anew, rather than live in a world where there existed creatures he could not control. The most important of those is arguably the time when Rathma teleports them to the In addiion, he wears a rather peculiar cloak.
Trag'Oul responded that Uldyssian and "the others" were different, that they were neither nephalem or human, but something more.
And Linarian was the proof, the first Nephalem.
Inarius, losing patience, entered Mount Arreat, and found the results of Uldyssian's handiwork. Mendeln defended Uldyssian's actions in stamping out the remains of the Triune, but Rathma warned him that in doing so, Uldyssian was blind to Inarius's machinations. At BlizzCon 2019, Blizzard announced Diablo IV, the next installment in the Diablo franchise, with an epic cinematic called 'By Three They Come.'
Rathma and his companions watched as "There is a bit more to show you. Uldyssian was taken into Trag'Oul's realm, who, like Mendeln, was aghast to learn that Rathma was Lilith's son, and demanded to know what Rathma was, if not a demon.
Rathma admitted that he had considered altering the Worldstone to once again dampen humanity's powers, but left the choice to Uldyssian. They charged into battle, one which had become a three-way fight between Heaven, Hell, and the Edyrem. Rathma is a very calm and rational man. Mendeln was able to find Rathma in the darkness, surrounded in a sphere, but also had to contend with Lilith. Rathma is tall and has very pale skin.
Other characters remain skeptical towards him as well. Hell was aware of Sanctuary's existence, and because of Lilith, it was only a matter of time until Heaven discovered the world as well.
Yet the latter clearly wasn't true, and Rathma realized that it was because of Lilith. Mendeln would bring some former Edyrem with him, where he would instruct them in the ways of the Balance. I have created a new world where we can live in peace. His face resembled that of a normal human, but Mendeln noted that his features were angular and "far too perfect." However, Rathma urged Mendeln to speak with Uldyssian, as he feared that his brother was growing arrogant as his powers continued to grow.
Rathma, whose birth name was Linarian, is a first-generation nephalem and tutor to the first Necromancer of his namesake's order, the Priests of Rathma. Rathma concluded that the angel who had abducted Achilios was From afar, Rathma watched as Uldyssian's army came under attack by a horde of mantises.
The Edyrem were frozen in place, with exceptions including Mendeln and Rathma. In the aftermath, Rathma and Trag'Oul sent Mendeln to Partha for what they called a "final test."
While Inarius weighed his options in solitude, Lilith lashed out and killed the remaining demons and angels to prevent them from harming the nephalem. Trag'Oul interjected, stating that Inarius had become aware of the change in the Worldstone. In 2.6.0 we saw GR106 clears on EU with only ~1300 paragon, so with a 60% buff (2.400to4.000) GR110+ could be easily doable with para 2000+.