For some scenes it's a morning fog as light streams through derelict buildings and trees - shading that thick spread of grass. Interestingly, Microsoft is hosting its own version of the gameplay trailer on its YouTube channel, with PlayStation button prompts swapped out for Xbox equivalents - but it is the exact same footage, identical to the frame, and by extension, sourced from PS4 Pro too. The slider attempts to inform the user that some features have heavier performance implications than others as you move through the settings - but there's almost like an inbuilt mentality for the PC user that low/medium is bad and is best avoided.All of which leads us onto the console-equivalent experience. Red Dead Redemption 2 demonstrates that the notion of whacking everything up to ultra settings - or even high - and judging the game from there isn't a great idea, especially when in many cases, lower presets still look great and can still out-spec Xbox One X visual features. "Everything you need to know about the latest battle pass for Modern Warfare.Standalone GTA Online free on PS5 for three months.How to get rich quick in GTA 5's single-player story mode.Comments for this article are now closed. There's the sense that only high or ultra will do, and in the case of RDR2, this can cause lower than expected performance.Is it really a 'sub-optimal' port then? "We have carefully listened to and learned from our employees.

From a resolution perspective, dropping from 4K to 1440p adds 56 per cent of performance, rising to 93 per cent at 1080p. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. All Rights Reserved. More gameplay trailers are expected to be revealed before the game launches - if any further details stand out, we'll be sure to let you know.32-bit era nostalgic and gadget enthusiast Tom has been writing for Eurogamer and Digital Foundry since 2011. We did pick up artefacts similar to checkerboarding, mainly on transparent elements, like horse tail hair, trees and grass.

Instead, the developer has effectively delivered the opportunity for PC users to push the limits of a frankly brilliant, state-of-the-art graphics engine, but the choice of conventional settings labels is clearly causing confusion. Many of the low-level GPU techniques used on AMD-based consoles will transition across to PC via Vulkan or DX12. This site © 2020 Gamer Network Limited.

A brand new focus for the latest trailer is how gameplay flows, and the way animations blend from one point to the next. New games | Panels | Let's Plays | Industry Insight | Esports tournaments | Livestreams Tabletop gaming | Exclusive merch | More! These are interesting figures, but based on our later 'real world' tests, those results are likely to be more stark on lower end kit.

No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Case in point: the horse animations. Just as striking is the way every scene here involves volumetric lighting effects of some kind. After all, why should I be combining low quality volumetrics with high quality mirror reflections, for example? And perhaps if the lower-than-low console equivalent settings became RDR2's low settings, with everything else bumped up in line, the reaction to the game would have been different. To start with, a revamp of the settings UI would be enormously helpful, with recent Ubisoft games and COD Modern Warfare leading the way with visual comparisons that show what the settings actually do. Of course, the consoles run the gamut of the available options based mostly on performance, but some key features are geared more towards the higher end of the engine's visual capabilities.Xbox One X offers up a vast 9GB of useable memory to developers, and Rockstar puts that to good use by delivering the equivalent of PC's ultra quality textures - but that is the only ultra setting option on the table, alongside the geometry level of detail which is the same as the PC's maximum five out of five setting. Gone are the complex, bustling cities lined with traffic and pedestrians, with Rockstar able to take a technical side-step, committing console resource to other ambitions. After all, they know their games better than anybody else.As for Red Dead Redemption 2's settings arrangement, what we have here is a game obviously designed to scale up to future hardware - but our feeling is that Rockstar missed a trick in telling users more explicitly how to setup the game on today's graphics tech. Our initial reaction to a halved horizontal resolution of 1920 would be that it's one step towards reconstructing, to create a more convincing 4K image.

Instead, there's a slider that allows you to balance performance and quality. Depth of field is used liberally - mainly in cutscenes, but also for long views in gameplay, putting the background out of focus. Red Dead Redemption 2 shows us Rockstar's first work on the enhanced consoles, although Microsoft's 4K rendering of the original Red Dead on Xbox One X is well worth checking out.By design, Red Dead Redemption 2 has an advantage over the Grand Theft Auto series.

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