This is the list of some well-known causes of why this emulator doesn’t detect your controller.Here is the solution to fix that controllers not detected issue on your DS4Windows:These are steps which you should follow to uninstall and reconnect your controller device.I am 100% sure that it will fix your problem but somehow this doesn’t work for you then don’t worry there is another fix which you should follow.Here are the steps which you should follow to re-enable your DS4 Controller drivers.Updating to Windows ‘ latest build may impede the functionality of some devices that are connected to your PC.
For that: Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. The machines with this problem show the error message “No Controllers Connected (Max 4)”. DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience while using a DualShock 4 on your PC. From now on you need DS4windows loaded before Steam. In case, the above solutions don’t work for you,In some cases, the controller doesn’t work even after going through all of the methods above. … Therefore, in this step, we will be doing a lot of configuration because it has fixed this issue for a lot of users.Check to see if the controller works. the steps involved are as follows.If there are other input devices connected to the computer or laptop, it may cause controller problems in very rare cases. Enable it; Uninstalling and restarting the DS4 control unit. It usually comes up with There might be a number of reasons initiating this problem and these are depicted below.This issue can be resolved by uninstalling and reconnecting the DS4 controller device. This allows you to play games on Windows computers or laptops. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible. Any help would be highly appreciated. /Uninstalling a recent Windows update is another solution to fix the DS4Windows controller problem. With the latest Windows 10 updates, a majority of users have experienced a problem with DS4 Windows as their DS4 controllers are unable to connect with their PCs/ laptops. Controller doesn't need to be connected but DS4Windows must be loaded before Steam. Close DS4 Windows and disconnect your DS4 controller if you have not already done so. In DS4Windows under the Settings tab make sure Hide DS4windows is ticked. It works for me, for a wired connection. Very first try to uninstall and then reconnect the DS4 controller device to fix DS4Windows not Detecting Controller problem. Rarely, Windows automatic updates, cause errors. This is especially true after some windows updates. DS4Windows is a program for Sony Dual Shock 4 controllers to emulate an XBOX controller. Last but not least; Microsoft 360 Driver update can help resolve the problem in some cases. DS4 controller stops working and gets disabled automatically. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.Fix: DS4Windows Not Detecting Controller Windows 10How to Fix Bluetooth not Detecting Devices on Windows 10?How To Connect a PS3 (PlayStation 3) Controller To Windows 10Fix: DS4Windows Not Detecting Controller Windows 10
Some of them are:Well, the error messages listed are might be different but are related to the same issue. As many people The solution is really easy. Some users have also experienced this issue even during the gameplay i.e. 2#) Enable ds4/ps4 controller in the Device Manager Plugin your controllers, open ds4 windows. Download the DeviceDetect debug version, extract it to a new folder and launch it instead of the "normal" version of DS4Windows and connect the gamepad. Solution 2: Re-enabling DS4 Controller. To resolve this type of problem, do the following.
If the latest V1.7.23 DS4Windows app doesn't detect the gamepad then try running the debug version to diagnose connection issues. Updating the DS4 driver files is another fix to resolve the controller problems with DS4Widnows.
If the above approaches do not work for you, it may be the last option to uninstall Windows update.That’s it these are some solutions which you can follow to fix DS4Windows Controller not detected issue in Windows 10 and Windows 8/8.1. Try once again; you should be able to detect your controller and connect it with your system this time without facing ds4windows not working problem still. Plugging it in then starting DS4Windows also produced no result. Follow the steps given to do so: First close DS4 Windows > disconnect DS4 controller. Driver Install during first start of DS4Windows. I reinstalled the device, checked Device Manager, ran the DM's troubleshooter, and even rebooted my computer. So about the solution. Plugged-in Controller through USB (Windows recognizes it as 'Wireless Controller', Light Bar flashes orange but turns off (I guess the battery is full)); DS4Windows keeps saying 'No Controller found (max 4)' Uninstalled 'Wireless Controller' Driver.