© 2019 THQ Nordic AB, Sweden. :( #2. Imagine there would be no questlog. He talks too much, though mostly in the intro, but still. agreed wiith everything. So your feedback is essential to turn Gothic into a modern game. They just handed the scroll to the NH and expect him to deliver it?

All Rights Reserved. Though there are some details that should be kept in mind or changed.First, the Exchange place is a bit too excessive. Nothing is set in stone. Yes, I said it, Arcania did one thing right. But if I remember right, Gothic's dialogues were quite direct. As a longtime fan (playing since I was 5), this is still almost unreal, and I REALLY hope we do get this Remake, but of course, it has to be done right, so here's what I thought about the Teaser:First things first, the first half of the intro was fine, it's pretty much just an upgraded version of the intro video.

Posted by 5 months ago. His dialogue is bland and he in general is not likeable. https://discordapp.com/invite/29ZmzrpPress J to jump to the feed. this looks amazing i dont want an exact copy of gothic 1 i played it a million times i dont mind if they add more content and make it look even better than before And he's not good. He should just wear some plain greyish clothing, no armor pads, no extra protections.One that needs work is the monster designs. Gothic 1+2 was great. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Well, I never thought we would actually get to see an actual remake of Gothic, but here we are. I don’t really know what could be placed in its place, so maybe just extend the forest at the entrance to the EP. Thats the best part of gothic so please dont kill that.All in all just listen to the die hard fans and dont stray so far from the original with these little things. Dec 14, 2019 @ 2:22am Rough but interesting times ahead ... so it seems. :'(Btw, wanted only to remark a few in the post mentioned points. Its a playable teaser version to a potential approach for a new Gothic game. Not only do you see at night shit, the nocturnal beasts have a really easy time to chew out the new, potential ore-diggers.Also that silly "In the name of the old camp". And the Snappers look like Dragon Snapper from Gothic 2, so remove some of the horns and stuff.

Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. That's not to say the one in the Teaser bad, on the contrary, I actually liked it, it's just that it doesn't feel like it's the right one.excellent feedback. Gothic Remake Feedback So, this is my review that ended up being too big to post on the Steam page, so I guess I'll post it here and make a shorter one for Steam tomorrow, so here it goes. Click the link below to check out our discord server: Oddly enough, it also reminds me more of The Witcher. And finally, please add weapon hotkeys, that’s a great feature to have that even the originals had, so please keep that.Lastly, enemies should be knocked down instead of outright killed, that’s a feature that modern games are sorely lacking, and bring back the old animal behavior of not engaging immediately, instead warning first before attacking.The graphics certainly do look beautiful, and the graphical overhaul is certainly needed, but still, they are too bright and cheerful for the dark atmosphere of Gothic, same with the armors, they look beautiful, but somewhat over the top.For the guards, instead of the shoulder pads, the metal protection should be on the side of the upper arm, slightly covered by the leather protection. But still, as much as he is a mentor, he shouldn't handhold you the entire time. The playable teaser is an "early prototype of the game". THQ Barcelona made significant changes to the opening sequence and transformed the once (mostly) silent protagonist into an obnoxious wisecracking smartass. Gothic – don’t expect a colourful remake (pic: THQ Nordic) The playable teaser for a remake of action role-player Gothic has been deemed a success and will be released on PC and next gen consoles. He likes news, interviews, and more news. Close. Though like I said in the beginning, we should start already knowing that we have to deliver the message to the mages, and the fact that we have quest markers now, which should also be removed (more on that later).Also, in the final game, I hope the Pendant quest gets moved a bit forward in the story, since at the beginning it would be too early to be fighting Guards, and in Bloodwyn’s quest, change the animals to something more appropriate to lower levels, or again, move it forward.But in general, I hope we get more side quests after joining a camp, and heck, maybe even a storyline on the politics of the Colony, maybe the plot about the attack on the Exchange Place can be better realized this way.I actually like the design and functionality of the interface, but a major thing is that it should pause time, that’s a big exploit in combat, but it also shouldn’t cover the entire screen.
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