I finally ended up almost completely disassembling it and I found that one of the side rods that holds the laser carriage had shifted off one of the set screws, thus throwing the lens out of focus, making it unable to read the disc. When i placed vertically Playstation Pro of mine certain time, it stopped reading discs and giving unrecognized disc error.
Sony wont admit that problem cause changing milllions of units is so expensive and this error cause simply not everytimemine is fixed as long as i use it horizantally no problem occured again.I had a problem where when I put any disc in it would chug a bit then sound like the disc was being relocated then chug a bit more. This install should do that >.> are you sure the disc is clean and your PS4 doesn't have a history of acting up like that? I exchanged fifa17 for a different copy and the 2nd worked fine, I intend to swap fifa18 for a new copy unless I can get help here.I've initialised the system twice, once partial and the other the full reboot that takes hours, still no success and I'm not pleased truth be told.
I used to laugh at my friends who bought xboxs knowing full well it had the 'redring' shenanigans in store for them. Most of them complain that the game might crash every 20 to 30 minutes. Give it a try yourself!as i mention above.. please unplug machine. When I insert a disc on the drive unit, it starts spinning but after a few seconds it stops. A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, also known as PS4. Pros for Disc: able to trade/sell. At least i can watch a %#*@ movie that way.But how do I take apart the PS4 to check if there’s anything there?? First announced February 20, 2013 and released November 15, 2013.I have trouble with my ps4. This did help often but not 100%.Lastly I changed my PS4’s orientation, I have mine vertical by default as I have limited space.
Then it starts spinning again and stops. Those may fixed by Sony. When my ps4 doesn't suck in the disc I put it in the drive then turn the manual eject screw the opposite way until it's all the way in. Until I found a fix that worked for me every single time.As soon as I enter the disc, I start to tap semi-hard on top of the ps4 around the area where the disc is until my playstation reads the disc.
I went a month with out playing my game but it still doesn't work right now it's on 14% later on it's going to say disc not recognize happens with all my other games GTA , call of duty black ops3 , and uncharted 4After reading posts and saw videos on you tube I decide to open the PS4 and inspect the drive unit.One thing that I remembered was that the last disc I insert before the PS4 dont take any more discs, was a dvd with a sticker on it. It reads it first time almost always.Mine was doing the same thing. Is there a way to fix the 1215A model?Nvm. Click the volume name of the encrypted hard drive in the Volume list. Here are a few additional symptoms that may be exhibited by the PS4 in relation to the disc read and eject problem.
2 days its best.
Problems solved.
Anyone?Do you have space to download material to the PS4? Usually just replacing the laser will fix this issue, but sometimes they need the entire drive replaced.My problem is that my PS4 won't read blu ray disks, both game disks and movies. I can download games from ps store and they work just fine as well its just the new discs that it won't read Can somebody please help me.I wish to say tabing works though it is not needed infact. U guys need to realise that tapping doesnt always work not for me and not for everyome.
The ps4 is 10 times worse it seems. ThanksI have had this issue and the only thing I have been able to do is eject the disc then restart with the disc ejected. Both need to be cleaned by an eraser and then by a Q-tip with 91% alcohol.