How unfortunate.Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 17,660 - Reviews: 251 - Favs: 557 - Follows: 922 - Updated: Granger family reunion fic. The rest of the adult shared their agreement, talking excitedly back and forth. A shinobi raised as a wizard instead? Hot tears dripped down her face as she saw his heart breaking.Mr. Her first goal is to stop Voldemort before his body is restored, but she cannot do it alone. You get witches and wizards who fulfill the roles of gods and goddesses and straddle the Wizarding and Immortal or mythical realms. rowling && i'm just playing around with her characters ! Please read it anyway! And she is as surprised as anyone when she finds love along the way.If you enjoy Fleurmione stories, sibling dynamics between Hermione and Harry, or time-travel fix-its generally, this is the story for you! Four years after war. Because it was familiar. 7 yr postwar and Hermione is looking for a career change, and the only project she's interested in studying is under Draco Malfoy. Because she had before. Member Hermione is a Muggle-born witch and her children, Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley are half-bloods. An extremely angsty story about how the showdown at the Ministry could have gone. Find out what happens when Hermione realizes that her soul mates are none other than Professors Severus Snape and Remus Lupin.A terrifying and insane series of events leaves Hermione Granger and her unborn baby in peril, and she finds herself helped by none other than Lucius Malfoy. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Been there done that. Also contains some people other than Draco but the same idea. That should be the end of it. Daringly, she opened her eyes, enough to glimpse where she was being taken, a strong arm secured around her waist. If you're a fan of any of my other works, you'll know I can be all over the place. Please consider turning it on! But I'm a busy lawyer. But married to who? Ron is enamored by Hermione's knowledge of the muggle world just as she is about Ron's experience in magical world. These are the sparse occasions on which they were alone and were comfortable as friends. My take on Reptilia28's "Don't Fear the Reaper" challenge. And get this- it's at the Malfoy Hotel and Resort in Southampton! Rating subject to changeHarry Potter - Rated: K - English - Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,035 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 72 - Updated: This is my take on the Granger Family Reunion. But at this reunion the once bushy haired girl has disappeared and the successful, rich, gorgeous and smart girl that arrives shock her whole family. What they didn't expect were the changes that happened to Hermione as well as the news that was in store for them. Little do they know Hermione is not the same ugly bookworm from twelve years ago. Dramione CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN! Dramione & Blaise/Pansy (cliches & fluff included.) After eight years, Hermione startles her family during a reunion with her engagement. What follows is her family's and especially her grandfather's outrage, dismay and shock at the identity of her future husband. Hermione Granger is the cleverest witch of her generation, and so much more than just a sidekick to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. He hadn't answered those questions." She must enlist the help of at least one of the champions of the Triwizard Tournament if she has any shot at stopping Voldemort and protecting Harry in the process. His aunt is extra special, Luna Lovegood is a perceptive enigma, and damn it all to hell, Potter is the hero as usual. And a surprise at the end. Maybe something good will develop. But will she be able to prove that to her snobbish relatives at the Granger Family Reunion? But Hermione discovers she is as drawn to him as he seems to be for her. Contains a few characters from Black Butler and romance.
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