Regardless, wherever he's headed, Hell will surely follow in his wake.

I ain't never seen her eat or drink - and you can't trust somebody who doesn't drink at least a little." Adria ist eine Hexe, die einst in Tristram lebte und dort (während der Ereignisse von Diablo I) Bücher, Schriftrollen, Manatränke und Stäbe kaufte und verkaufte.Kurz nachdem die Ereignisse unter der Kathedrale von Tristram ihren Lauf nahmen, erschien sie in der Stadt. Adria is located in act 5 and can be found in The Great Hall location.

After successfully binding Belial, the party was left only with the issue of Azmodan. She didn't have time for the merely curious. During this time, Adria lingered outside the jailhouse. Tormented by his experiences, Aidan sought solace with Adria.

Becomes them all. Cain's work, your work, is my war."

They spent many nights in the Tavern of the Rising Sun, discussing Horadric texts and the various arcana Adria had collected during her travels. Nevertheless, she completed her task—the live human sacrifices she had carried out previously had served their purpose. Adria the Witch' is an NPC and quest-giving character deeply involved in the story of Diablo 3. Not as it is, but as it will be. Ever to the point, Adria told them of her plan to use the Black Soulstone to bind and destroy the Great Evils, and while the heroes set about resurrecting Kulle and retriving the stone, trained Leah in the use of her powers.

Deckard Cain was one of the few individuals to interact with her. Adria teaches Leah new things about her powers, including how to control them. However, she was cornered by the Imperial Guard in the sewers—Belial had enthralled the city, and was aware of the Black Soulstone's existance, if not function. Aidan, accompanied by a rogue and sorcerer, journeyed into the depths of the Cathedral and found the source of its corruption—Diablo, Lord of Terror.

With the people saved, Adria assisted the Nephalem in battling through to the gates of the Imperial Palace, ordering Leah to bring down the gates. Two as one.

In eines ihrer Bücher steht geschrieben das Diablo immer wieder kommen wird und man das im Herzen auch weiß. Not long after these events, Sevrin's home caught fire in the dead of night.

She thus disappeared through a portal, while Diablo departed to lead an invasion of the "Diablo will return. The trail led them to the Adria declared that the angels would never suffer humanity to live, and that they could not accept that humans could choose their own path, stating that at least demons were not so rigid in their beliefs. Adria's betrayal, the final plot event leading up to Act Four and the reborn, Prime Evil version of Diablo before "his" largely-successful assault upon the Adria assists in the destruction of Belial and Azmodan in Acts 2 and 3, teaching Leah to trap their souls in the While Adria posed as a helpful NPC during events in Diablo I, she was secretly the co-leader (with Thus Adria effectively bred Diablo's future host body, and Diablo effectively inhabited his own daughter when he took possession of Leah for his largely-successful assault upon the

Sevrin was arrested by the city guards, but due to his wealth and influence, was able to secure a pardon. Diablo, reborn. Thus, she pledged herself to Diablo's service, and both she and Aidan spent many nights behind closed doors. He would ultimately become a master Necromancer, an apprentice of the Guardian Dragon, Trag'Oul. Aidan had plunged Diablo's soulstone into his forehead in an attempt to contain Diablo's essence, and Adria beheld that essence within him. Shortly afterwards, Adria departed also, along with Adria and Cain crossed paths a few times over the intervening years and Adria caught a few glimpses of her daughter, but otherwise remained inconspicuous. Not long afterwards, with the appearance of the Hellmouth at Tristram, Adria saw an opportunity to both strike a blow against the legions of Hell, and to make some profit in gold and magical artifacts in the process. Adria befindet sich in akt 5 und finden Sie in Die Große Halle standort.

High Physical resistance also helps. Adria sieht Leah nur als Gefäß für Diablo an, sie zeugte zusammen mit Aidan Leah aus diesen einen Grund.

Twenty Years after the destruction of Arreat, the time had come for Diablo's plan to enter its final stage. [...] Then it's fate that we have been reunited.

She is his.

Adria sieht Töchter als billig an und liebt ihre Tochter nicht, für sie ist und war Leah schon immer das Gefäß Diablos. What I can say with certainty however, is that she is a driven and fiercely intelligent person, bristling with a mix of grace, beauty, and raw, frightening power."

Cain found her knowledge about mysticism and demonology most valuable, though he did find her behaviour peculiar at times.

Adria told Cain that he had headed east to find mystics that could help exorcise his nightmares. Adria told Cain that he had headed east to find mystics that could help exorcise his nightmares. It didn't take long for Azmodan to reveal himself, and the party headed north to confront him at Bastion's Keep, which had come under siege by Azmodan's forces. Can also be fount as guardian of cursed chest in part of kill boss in 45 seconds event, in adventure mode in Repository of Bones level 2.

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