Despite his "shoot first, ask questions later" persona Drake is also skilled with stealth takedowns and chokeholds, being able to overpower and knockout multiple security guards without killing them. Their first adventure; the salvage job in Malaysia that Nate refused earlier. Olivia also reveals that a flower motif discovered in earlier labyrinths represents the extinct plant White Hellebore, but they don't know it's significance in relation to the labyrinths.Before they land, they discover that their co-pilot has been somehow brainwashed by the hooded men to kill both the pilot and himself, but Henriksen is able to land the plane safely and they are eventually released by Chinese police after the intervention of staff from the Norwegian and American embassies. He would go on to meet and befriend several notable figures within the society, including the Indonesian pirate captain Nate's close friendship with Eddy came to an end when Nate betrayed his friend and kept the entire reward for himself. They swim through the hole and escape the collapsing ship and cove, making it to safety outside where Elena waits for them and are picked up by Sully. On the island, they solve elaborate puzzles which point them to another, larger island where they hope Libertalia is located. Nate spots Talbot and manages to get Lawrence's journal back off him in a fight. Nate explains how Eddy had planned to double-cross him on a previous job, but he had "beat him to the punch. After a brutal fight, Nate is knocked out by the pirate Rameses.He makes his way to Elena's apartment. She takes it, and hurls it into the jungle, stating that Marcos was right - it belongs in hell. He was able to climb a derailed train despite the fact that he was shot and confused of his surroundings, though his gunshot wound was clearly hurting him he was strong enough to not let go. He manages to grab a cargo container mid-air and deploys its parachute, which carries him safely to the ground.Nate treks through the desert for days, suffering from exhaustion and dehydration.

He is unable to reach her, and she dies, taking Francis Drake's ring with her. Then they suddenly discover the remains of civilization and later find themselves standing in the commercial district of Libertalia. Elena keeps her wedding ring, and Victor Sullivan looks after Nate's without his knowledge. They travel to the Santorini archipelago in the Aegean Sea, all that remains of Thera after a volcano on the island erupted. As Nate went after them, he reunited with Sully outside of the monastery. Locate El Dorado before Gabriel Roman and stop Atoq Navarro from selling the mutagen inside as a weapon on the black market (Nathan Morgan was born in 1976 to and unnamed man and Cassandra Morgan, an archeologist, and is the younger brother of Samuel Morgan. Nate and Elena leaned in to kiss but were interrupted by Sully, who arrived on a small speedboat, with several boxes of treasure that he took from pirates who were "too dead to care". He altered the design of the fourth labyrinth and demanded an army of slaves to build it. Despite being desensitised to killing, Drake is moral and takes no pleasure in murdering people but at the same time it is entirely unavoidable and the people he is forced to kill are bad in their own right.

Following the death of Cassandra, Nathan and Samuel's father decided to give up his hold on them and surrender his sons to the state. Nate and Chase leave Dante by the Throne of Gold, and Chase detonates the bombs in the caverns to seal it. Nate and Sam race towards the larger island while being attacked by Shoreline vessels. In the ensuing fight, the plane is badly damaged. Nate and Sully then meet with the Ludlows to hand over the journal. Pinkerton tortures the two and eventually brings in Rika as a bargaining chip. Nate and Sam make their way through the cave, pass tests and eventually find themselves in a chamber with a scale that has a jeweled cross on one end and a pile of coins on the other.

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