Laser Sight: Now boosts Turret Accuracy and Turret Fire Rate, 5% per point.************************Maya************************2. (Seriously. Borderlands 2 SHiFT codes are provided by Gearbox Software and function as loyalty rewards for the Borderlands community. New codes are added on a frequent basis. Handsome Jack “The Hero” Wallpaper – Borderlands 2. January 31, 2018 Wallpapers.

Borderlands 2 News, updates & speculation about Gearbox Software’s video game Borderlands 2

now.Fiona, Tribute of Sanctuary has a chance to drop the Scorpio now.drop the Pyrophobia and the Flame of the Firehawk now.drop the Nasty Surprise, the Invader and Shield 1340 now.drop the Bitch, the Black Hole and Shotgun 1340 now.Rue, The Love Thresher has a chance to drop the Triquetra now.Drunk Thresher have a chance to drop the Sloth now (Yeah, booze’ll do that to ya…).Fixed lots of Skill Presentations and Descriptions.Grenadier: Now also boosts Grenade Damage by 3% per point.Double Up: Increased the Turret Slag Chance by 50%.Overload: Now also boosts Ammo Carrying Capacity by 3% per point.Last Ditch Effort: Now also boosts Fight For Your Life Time by 8% per point.Phalanx Shield: Increased the size of the shield by 25%.Quicken: Now also boosts Weapon Swap Speed by 6% per point.Sustenance: Increased Health Regeneration to up to 0.6% per point instead of 0.4%.Grim: Reduced Action Skill Cooldown Rate to 2% per point instead of 4%.Like The Wind: No longer increases Gun / Melee damage, instead adds chance to avoid Elemental Status Effects by 5% per point.Shock and AAAGGGGHHH: Reduced Reload Speed to 10% instead of 25%.Smaller, Lighter, Faster: Increased Reload Speed from 6% per point to 8%.Flame Flare: Now also boosts Burn Damage Resistance by 15% per point.Unofficial Community patch v2.1 (Contains bug fixes and some requested features mostly) Well redeem  these Borderlands 2 SHiFT Codes and obtain several Golden Keys. Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Wallpapers. Since then balance changes have been made, new loot drop locations have been added, and new visual skins for certain weapons have been added.

)Fixed a typo on Shields with the “Grounded” Prefix.Buffed Captain Blade’s Midnight Star’s damage by 200% and increased its Blast Radius by 68.75%.Made the Movement Speed change to the Lucrative Opportunity optional (can be enabled with the Filter Tool).Buffed the original Lucrative Opportunity to reduce Shop Timer Rate down to ~15 seconds.Changed the Slayer of Terramorphous COMs to boost Incendiary Damage instead of Burn Damage, boosting both Impact and Damage over Time.Implemented SirUmnei’s Presentation Arrays and Icons for COMs.Axton’s Slayer of Terramorphous COM now boosts Sentry, Able, Impact, Battlefront and Pressure instead of Onslaught, Able, Impact, Healthy and Preparation.Legendary Grenadier COM returns as an optional replacement for the Legendary Pointman COM (can be enabled with the Filter Tool).Shock Trooper COM now boosts Kill Skill Duration and Shield Recharge Rate.Maya’s Slayer COM now boosts Inertia, Immolate, Helios, Chain Reaction and Blight Phoenix instead of Ward, Inertia, Mind’s Eye, Wreck and Elated.Raider COM boosts Weapon Accuracy in general instead of Assault Rifle Weapon Accuracy.Renegade COM now boosts Pistol Accuracy instead of reducing it.Zer0’s Slayer COM now boosts 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill, Grim, Ambush, Innervate and Killing Bl0w instead of HeadSh0t, 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill, Fast Hands, Grim and Killing Bl0w.Stalker COM now boosts Vel0city instead of C0unter Strike.Infiltrator COM now boosts Rising Sh0t and Backstab instead of Unf0reseen and Ir0n Hand.Rogue COM now boosts Fearless instead of Like The Wind.Gaige’s Slayer COM now boosts Electrical Burn, Evil Enchantress, Interspersed Outburst, Preshrunk Cyberpunk and Typecast Iconoclast instead of Cooking Up Trouble, Fancy Mathematics, The Better Half, Interspersed Outburst and Preshrunk Cyberpunk.Reverted the Prodigy COM change from a previous patch version (boosts More Pep again instead of Smaller, Lighter, Faster)Krieg’s Slayer COM now boosts Blood Filled Guns, Feed the Meat, Burn Baby Burn, Pain is Power and Elemental Elation instead of Feed the Meat, Thrill of the Kill, Strip the Flesh, Burn Baby Burn and Flame Flare.Implemented Sheep’s Legendary COM Reskin to make them resemble more like their non-Legendary counterparts.Fixed an issue with Tunguska’s Elemental Glow color.Added an optional module to make Ammo Purchases refill the whole Ammo type with one purchase (Thanks Jim Raven!) Borderlands 2 SHiFT codes are provided by Gearbox Software and function as loyalty rewards for the Borderlands community.

It’s simply replacing 1 text file.If you got the UCP running you might also like to play around with ************************Full Borderlands 2 Unofficial Community Patch Changelog************************************************Items************************NOTE: Status Effect Chance not being added directly on top means its multiplied (Increase of 50% for 20% Status Effect Chance means 30% Status Effect Chance, not 70%. By tricking the hotfix update process data will now be loaded in from a local file instead of the Borderlands servers.

always have 3 Projectiles regardless of Prefix.Further buffed the Carnage’s Vertical Grip Damage increase.Buffed Hyperion Shotguns with Torgue/Bandit Barrels.Made the projectiles of E-Tech Spikers and the Dahlminator detonate instantly.The Torrent returns as an optional replacement for the Emperor (can be enabled with the Filter Tool).Fixed the Orc being treated as a Dahl weapon instead of a Bandit weapon.Halved the chance for the Crit to drop out of your hands.Made the Bone Shredder consume 2 Ammo per Shot and slightly reduced its Accuracy.Made the Naught an optional replacement (can be enabled with the Filter Tool).Made the Bigg Thumppr an optional replacement (can be enabled with the Filter Tool).Added an optional module to reduce the visual clutter of the Flame of the Firehawk.

Will. Fixed a bug that made the interaction between Make it Sparkle and Sharing is Caring (with a Roid Shield) completely broken.

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