You can use the truck to get to the base . It was released for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in March 2014, and for Microsoft Windows in December 2014. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Hier findest du alle Infos zum Action-Adventurespiel Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes von Kojima Productions für PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360: Release, Gameplay und alles, was ihr wissen müsst. This way of escaping is a bit more dangerous, because the truck is not very durable and your enemies can spot you through the windshield.You will have to seat the prisoner on the passenger's seat.You can also head to the landing zone, right next to the base, but you will have to clear the area from the soldiers first, so that they don't shoot the helicopter down.

New York, One will start approaching you so try to hide and take him down when he comes near you.You can escape quietly by going the same way which you have arrived. Turn left. If you managed not to activate the alarm, there should be no guards in the room. Go grab Paz and head to the landing zone and call in the chopper. You can use the ventilation shaft in the corner, near the street lamp.Behind the door, you will notice a fence around the power controls. You can jump on it and lay down, which will make it possible for you to go through the gate unnoticed.If you were too late to see the truck, you will have to use another way. However, if you've eliminated a lot of enemies when going to the base, the path back to the coast should be clear.There is also the possibility to use the truck. Please refresh the page and try again.GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Es spielt im März 1975, wenige Monate nach den Ereignissen in Peace Walker, in einem Gefangenenlager in Guantánamo Bay auf Kuba. Go up the cliff on the left and you can see two guards between you and the landing zone. My brother wants me to copy over my good runs to unlock stuff. I would love to get a remastered MGS collection for next gen and steam with the same style as MCC. Wait until they end their conversation. Be sure to keep to the shadows and grass as you work your way up to the base.

Wait for a while, until the guard that stands nearby is sent to fix the power. Paz Ortega Andrade, real name Pacifica Ocean, was a Cipher agent who infiltrated the Militaires Sans Frontières during the Peace Walker Incident in 1974. You will have to take him out. Wait until he passes you or take him out. Wait until they end their conversation. If you first rescued Chico and tried to be rather fast, you will spot a truck waiting on the crossroads.
Cross the road an hide between the tents.Now head to the barracks. You can use any helipad you want but the close ones require you to blow up the AA guns and that will alert everyone so we will go to the one we used with Chico. Remember to hide the body behind the building.Jump over the yellow barrier. A jeep will head up the road at this point so crouch in some bushes to avoid being seen. You can go beneath it. You will encounter less guards if you go along the refugee camp, so when choosing this way you have more chance to succeed. how to find paz.mgsv rescuing paz.

Ground Zeroes ist eine direkte Fortsetzung zu Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Now, you can either go back the way you came, or go the other way, straight to the place where you've started the mission. Go behind the buildings one more time and get out of the base through the red door. Go behind the machines, from where you will be able to easily eliminate the enemies. You will notice two guards in the corridor. There are seven of Chico's cassette tapes that you can find throughout the various missions of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (to clarify, they cannot all be found in a single mission). Paz is being held in the basement of the Administrative building.

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