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Videos, stories and songs to help Grade 1 kids learn about the months of the year with fun. summer months, winter, spring and fall / autumn) 2. Since the melody is easy to learn, your students will be able to concentrate on the words immediately. Each month has either 28, 30, or 31 days during a common year, which has 365 days.During leap years, which occur nearly every 4 years, we add an extra (intercalary) day, Leap Day, on 29 February, making leap years 366 days long.. © Copyright Epic! settings to make sure it's enabled. thesingingwalrus.com/videos-and-songs/general-topics/months-of-the-year-song months for different seasons (e.g. Play "Put the months in order" Before class, prepare some colored rectangles of card and write the months of the year in thick marker pen on each rectangle of card. And send it to us at kidstvfanclub@gmail.com. Calendar with 12 months. Sing the 12 months of the year while exercising with Jack. Mr. Crabby encourages the audience to repeat after Mother Hen. What are the months in a year? The third and fourth verse are sung quietly and loud. Lyrics 12 months of the year 12 months of the year Feel the beat and move your body And give a cheer! This is to keep our current calendar aligned with the solar year and astronomical seasons marked by equinoxes and solstices. Creations, Inc. All rights reserved. doesn't work properly You’ll be putting students in pairs so make enough sets for each pair. For example, the teacher begins with “January”, and the student standing next to the teacher sings “February”, the next student sings “March” and so on, going clockwise. A nice ‘side effect’ is that your students will become more conscious of their voices/volume, since they have to sing quietly in the 3rd verse.Instead of singing the song all together, you can stand in a circle and let each student say/sing each month of the year by themselves. Check your web browser's )This song is all about simplicity and repetition! Epic is the leading digital reading platform—built on a collection of 40,000+ popular, high-quality books from 250+ of the world’s best publishers—that safely fuels curiosity and reading confidence for kids 12 and under. Check out the new Bob The Train video here: \r\rFollow us on\rFACEBOOK: \rGOOGLE+: \rTWITTER: \rINSTAGRAM: \rWORD PRESS: \rPINTEREST: \rWe need you to share your joy with us!Capture your charming little babies on videos while theyve forgotten about their real world and are in our world. The fascinating world of Kids TV. Our “Months of the Year Song” is, just like our “Days of the week song”, an easy and interactive song for kids to memorize all the months of the year. From January to December there are 12 Months to remember! (All verses simply repeat the months of the year, but are sung in different ways. without JavaScript enabled. Instantly access The Months of the Year Song plus over 40,000 of the best books & videos for kids. Whoops! Mr. Crabby encourages the children to sing with Mother Hen, as she leads the song – slowly, then quietly, then loud, then fast!The structure of the Months of the Year Song is very similar to our Days of the Week Song.As the song starts, Mr. Crabby greets the children and asks them to listen to Mother Hen sing the first verse. When the second verse starts, Bear, Cat, Pig, and Dog appear to sing along. Learn the months of the year in this fun calendar and exercise video for kids. If you have lots of students, you can split the class in smaller groups. Follow me and say the 12 months of the year … Last but not least, everybody is encouraged to sing the song really fast!