The game was released on November 8, 2011 in North America on Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii, with a separate version for Nintendo DS developed by n-Space. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I found Nikolai's DOB in the video cutscene before "This part in trivia about his age should be changed, becasue we don't need to speculate while we know it, he was born in August 1969, which was shown during Blackout briefing, as somebody mentioned before. The team get the aid of a AC-130, and are evacuated in a second helicopter to a safe house in Hamburg. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Makarov tenta la fuga in elicottero dal tetto del palazzo, ma viene fermato da Price; tuttavia riesce a salvarsi e a puntare la pistola contro il marine, in cui soccorso arriva Yuri, rimasto attardato per delle ferite riportate.

Nikolai provided key intel and equipment during the allied raid on General Roman Barkov’s illicit chemical weapons lab, and added a new friend in militia leader Farah Karim, a staunch anti-Russian fighter, by proving that he’s willing to choose right over wrong no matter how heavy the fog of war. Nikolai later considered The Black Hawk helicopter carrying the team was shot down by the Ultranationalists, but Nikolai, Price, Gaz, Soap and SAS soldiers survived and continued their way while dodging soldiers. After General Shepherd's betrays Task Force 141, Price calls Nikolai to rescue him and Soap from the Boneyard in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Plus Nickolai from Modern Warfare seems to young to be at least 17 in the late 70's to late 80's (that would make him at least 40-50 something years old in Modern warfare, and at 50-60 something years old in Modern Warfare 2) Plus, if he did fight for the Soviets anyway he would most likely be a Ultranationlist, this also marks some confusions. La Task Force 141 si dirige verso la capitale ceca per presentare il conto al leader sovietico; qui li aspetta Kamarov, una vecchia conoscenza che si è unita alla causa della resistenza. It appears to be some kind of stealth helicopter much like the comanche, however, it isn't the RAH-66. Codename: NIKOLAI (Actually birth name either unknown or classified for security reasons) is a character from the Call of Duty Universe. L'uomo d'affari alla fine è costretto a rivelare la posizione di Makarov: si trova a Praga, dove è in corso un meeting con lo stato maggiore del partito ultranazionalista russo. If so, this page should be updated to reflect that. Carebear This place looks like when I was with the Soviets!" Il gruppo si rifugia in una chiesa per preparare l'imboscata a Makarov. When Nikolai was reassigned to the Russian Embassy in London, MI6 ‘made contact’ with the young and outspoken Russian. Su nombre de nacimiento real aún no ha sido revelado. In Australia, the Wii version was released on November 23, 2011. who are the main characters in… "Barkov is a stain on my country, it will not stand." --Cobblepot 23:16, 6 February 2009 (UTC) Price and Soap ow Nikolai one, he saved them twice, them-him once that we know of. During this duty, he expressed disenchantment with Russian foreign policy, which resulted in extensive efforts by Western interests to recruit him. Il loro compito è quello di neutralizzarlo: dopo una caccia all'uomo il dittatore viene catturato ed interrogato.
Hans riktiga födelsenamn nämns inte. And besides-- it's an image with nightvision on which means the image is somewhat......digitalised (to an extent). I'm writng this because DOB wasn't yet added, as also mentioned above, and personally I don't know how to add it to this section on the right side of the page with info about Nikolai. Han fortsätter att hjälpa John "Soap" MacTavish och John Price i Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 och Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The Soviet-Afghan was from 1979-1989. Si imbattono nella Gli eventi, ideati questa volta da Paul Haggis e Will Staple per Dall'altra parte del pianeta, in Sierra Leone, Yuri, Price, MacTavish e Nikolai si dirigono verso una fabbrica di Makarov, dove si trovano delle armi chimiche destinate ad attacchi terroristici a Londra, Parigi e Berlino, La squadra, pur avendo la meglio sulla milizia locale, non riesce ad impedire che il carico prenda il volo verso l'Europa, ma Price riesce a mettersi in contatto con MacMillan, suo commilitone all'epoca dell'agguato a Zakhaev e ora a capo delle forze SAS. Nikolai helps Price and Yuri deploy in a raid at Karlstejn, and informs Delta Force of Makarov's hunt for the Russian president's daughter, Alena Vorshevsky. Also, in the loading screen of this mission, Nikolai the informant talks to you about al-Asad's safehouse and gives you the coordinates. Price e Yuri si preparano per l'attacco finale, in cui eliminano la maggior parte delle guardie del corpo del pericoloso terrorista. The cutscene of The Hornet's Nest, there is a COD4 pic of him. Da means "yes" in russian, it is not a catchphrase.The head of Treyarch said that there would be ther return of a character from a previous game. Nikolai is the leader of the Chimera private military company. Nikolai, along with CIA station chief Kate Laswell, Sergeant Kamarov, and Captain Price head-up Armistice, an alliance formed to defend Verdansk following the 2019 Al-Qatala incursion into the region. Depending on what side you’re on, the man only known simply as “Nikolai” can either be the wise-cracking foil to his friend and ally Captain John Price, or a … Related Articles Nikolai (Modern Warfare) Edit. Nikolai Turdyev from the mission "Safehouse" the same as this Nikolai, the informant?

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