The two The reason we want HDMI 2.1 is simple. The monitor industry is keeping hush about hdmi 2.1 as it exposes their current high end models as obsolete, proprietary and overpriced as they try to flog off inventories to uninformed consumers while they canWe check over 130 million products every day for the best pricesReceive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors?
In the press release, it mentioned that it is building 27-inch, 32-inch and 43-inch models, but didn't name them yet or reveal much besides the HDMI 2.1 spec. As a leading test lab in the world, it's our mission to assure products or services before they are launched. However, Asus did specify that the 43-incher will compete with the "ROG is the first partner to provide a HDMI 2.1 gaming monitor for certification. All rights reserved. I expect these monitors to start at $700 for the 27 inch....not thanks
It offers hugely increased bandwidth over HDMI 2.0 (18 Gbps), making it possible to run 4K games at a refresh rate of up to 144 Hz, instead of being limited to 60 Hz or having to resort to compression techniques, such as the Of course, you'll need a serious amount of GPU horsepower to get 4K running at 144 Hz or even 120 Hz. Trust. Go for either 1080P or 4K. The best ultrawide monitors aren't just great for experiencing the best PC games, they're also amazing for creatives and professionals. Mobster. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath With the best gaming monitors of 2020, your games will come alive, whether you're playing PC games in 4K, or you're just playing on the PS4. And, the Asus Designo Curve MX38VC is … Bath You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. Asus announced three HDMI 2.1 gaming monitors for the holiday season.However, Asus isn't being very specific about the announcement. And boy … Any stretching or issues you find using 1440p monitor? That's if PS5 supports 1440p! With no release date for the monitor yet and no current consoles capable of playing games above 60 frames per second, we have to conclude that this monitor is for the upcoming PS5 … While the new consoles are fast, but I have doubts that they can run most games at native 4K with high framerates to match the 144hz. Jan 15, 2020 at 11:55 AM #20. PG43UQ uses DSC over display port. Joined: Aug 6, 2010 Posts: 4,828 Location: Birmingham. Though I came from an old LCD TV to a new, fully calibrated IPS monitor … All rights reserved. Which monitor are you using? Greboth. Even with the hardware upgrades in next gen consoles, I still think we'll be lucky to see anything better than 1080P@120hz or 4k@60hz England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Go for either 1080P or 4K. BA1 1UA. I can't say I noticed any problems or drop in clarity when using my 1440p monitor over my 1080p TV. We are thrilled to be part of the success of ROG and this groundbreaking gaming monitor," Brian Shih, Vice President of Logo & HW Validation Consulting at Allion Labs, said in a statement.Asus expects its HDMI 2.1 monitors to be available for "the holiday season" but didn't share a specific release date. If Sony or Microsoft do end up embracing luxury and supporting ultrawide aspect ratios, monitors may gain another advantage in the competition for couch gamers' hearts over TVs. We check over 130 million products every day for the best pricesReceive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? Coming from Asus, I am expecting pricey products. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Yeah, you put the 'Gamer' label on it and they'll price these absurdly high.