because naturally the game shows you resolutions in a 16x9 aspect ratioso you need to either specify the different aspect ratio to get the different resolution options , or just edit the ini filesthough you should note that the game isn't really meant for an ultra wide resolution , and you'll need to tweak it to run properly in such a resolution (just google Skyrim ultra wide resolution or something like that , you should see results discussing this)also note that most mods are meant for either 16x9 or at best 16x10 resolutions , so you'll also need to check mods if they actually work with such resolutions (this is mostly about UI mods like SkyUI)I have all the games that I'm interested in playing now installed, even The Secret World installed and displayed correctly.The games all look great, but some of the older games don't look so up to date in this large a size.Skyrim is the only one that didn't offer higher resolutions, I'll try the mod.You have to see The Witcher 3 on this screen, unbelievable, it's like you are there. You use the operating system? Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.I have a new computer but when I try and load Skyrim there is no option to set the Resolution to anything above 1920 by 1080.All of the other games that I've installed so far, (the Elder Scrolls Online, Conan Exiles and the Witcher 3 all work fine) work fine at the new resolution so I'm assuming there is a way to get Skyrim to do so as well.I noticed that Skyrim can't identify my graphic settings, I have a new Geforce RTX 2080 video card.So it set everything to low settings but when I loaded the game the image was so large that I couldn't navigate because most of the buttons weren't visible.This is weird I would think that the page would be too small, not too this a 21x9 resolution? i would suggest that you start a new post or find another post where other people like you are having the same problem.

Page 1 of 2 - Can I run Skyrim at 3440 by 1440 resolution. lol im sure theyll be fine in the mean time ive heard the 21:9 hud fix is live need to find it nowNote: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Should have thought of that to start with.I edited the one in Users\Username\Documents\My Games and when I started the game is was in full UHD Wide Screen.I'm not sure what the mod did since it was a gigabyte in size so I assume it added some kind of visual enhancement.It's possible that all you need to do it edit the .ini file. I'm going to change the compatibility as cosnigliato 21: 9 runs at 3440x1440 boys but the graphics quality is identical to full HD. eine Einstellung wie ich bei der oben genannten Auflösung ein Vollbild bekomme, dass die schwarzen Balken verschwinden? Part of the game I quietly 3440x1440 going to edit the file "SkyrimPrefs" but not known differences on the resolution in full HD. Unfortunately they have not spent a lot of time to reschedule the game. - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: Is there a way to play at 3440X1440 resolution - AND still be able to view the in game menus correctly?? Please help us to realize the potental of our modern systems. I explained how. I can adjust the SkyrimPrefs.ini file to the iSize H=1440 and W=3440 - and that looks great. wenn ich die Auflösung 2560 x 1440 wähle sind die schwarzen Balken verschwunden, aber die Qualität leidet drunter, gibt es einen Trick bzw. unfortunately I've never personally used Vortex , so I can't give you specific instructionsif you do want to use NMM again , you can download the latest version here though you'll still need to verify NMM is set to handle NXM links , but that is something you should know how to do if you've used NMM before , and this has been discussed so often over the years you're bound to find an answer if you simply search for itOk that fixed it and it downloaded but in only allowed my to get 2540 by 1440 resolution.Now I've got to find the one that lets me get 3440 by 1440.I'm having problems with that because I thought it said the download would do both.I tried again and I see that when it I click on Download to Vortex it says it's downloading the 2540 mod.Sorry to keep bugging you guys but this is kind of a hassle.I'm only seeing files for 2560x1080 , and since I don't own an ultra wide screen monitor I've never tried the modbut the author of the mod does seem to be rather active , so I would ask them about thisit could simply be a matter of installing the mod but changing the ini for your resolution , but I doubt anyone will have better answers than the mod's creatorI was editing the .ini file in the Steam Directory.When I realized that it was having no effect on how the game opened I finally realized that, that .ini file wasn't the one that was controlling the game.I used Agent Ransack to look for Skyrim and .ini file on my Steam drive E:\ and then on C:\ and found another one in my Users file.

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