greentiger [author] Aug 4 @ 2:57pm @PDR1987 They were in order of purchase for when I play.

Torchlight 2 - Deutsche Guides zu allen Torchlight 2 Klassen: Berserker, Glutsteinmagier, … Points in Torchlight 2 are earned whenever a player levels up, which is done after a certain amount of experience has been gained. Auch die Verteilung der Statuspunkte ist von erheblicher Bedeutung. At reaching to level 42, Ravage is available so it is time to get it to Tier 1. Vitality will need to get some love if you don't want to be dropping a fortune on revives. By default, Torchlight 2 only allows you to respec your last three skill points (at a steep cost). Attack speed, bonus Dual Wield damage, and lightning damage are all excellent with this build, in addition to pure armor and resistance due its fragility.Strength and Dexterity should always be primary. At least two of the five points need to be put at each level up. When you are a berserker, in most cases being more angrier is a good thing. by Doninha S. Torchlight 2 é um excelente RPG dos mesmos criadores de Diablo 1 e 2, ou seja, não tem como se decepcionar. © Another element you should take care of is Focus. The four Classes can be outfitted with different Skills and equipment to function in vastly different ways. These three things make a very good synergy of allowing your Frenzy mode to last longer, and at the same time, they grant you important lifesteal. You'll just have to follow a few steps. Mit diesem Build könnt ihr den Ingenieur spielen, ohne zu viel Schaden einstecken zu müssen.Dieser Hybrid-Build ist eine Mischung aus passiven Schadensverursacher und Tank.Dieser Build des Vaganten ist komplett flexibel spielbar und gibt euch somit die Möglichkeit selber zu entscheiden worauf ihr euer Hauptaugenmerk legen wollt.Wichtig ist jedoch, dass ihr eure Punkte auch immer mit auf Obwohl die Punkteverteilung dieses Builds relativ gleichmäßig ist, handelt es sich in erster Linie um einen kriegsorientierten Build. Des Weiteren gibt es neue Begleiter, die ausschließlich auf der Konsole spielbar sind. Drink the Potion to refund all spent skill points. Fights with lots of enemies will be tough until your mid- to late 20s, when you'll start picking up better area attacks and multi-hit effects.Dual fist weapons are where it's at. What you have to do is just follow some small steps. Please refresh the page and try again.PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, It will come in handy since it grows your execute opportunity while dual wielding.Without gear, when your Strength and Dexterity points gets close to or over 50 points, you are now able to begin to distribute a couple of points from them into other stats.In the beginning, you would like to concentrate on everything you have on your passives. Viele verschiedene Fähigkeiten stehen euch zur Verfügung Jede dieser Klassen hat ihre eigenen Spezialisierungen, die es besonders bei der Wahl der Statuswerte zu beachten gilt.

Dazu benötigt ihr Erfahrungspunkte, die ihr im Kampf sammelt. Passive Fähigkeiten sind immer aktiv, sobald ihr eure Fähigkeitspunkte auf ihnen verteilt habt. If it's not an issue at the moment, invest in Focus.Once you get to the point that Strength and Dexterity are close to or over 50 (ignoring gear), you can start dropping some points from them into other things. The rest the points, you can rotate them between your other stats. All rights reserved.Diese Website benutzt Cookies. Spieler, die Torchlight 2 über die Switch spielen, können sich zudem lokal über WLAN Wir hoffen, dass euch unser Torchlight 2-Guide helfen konnte.

Among the list of Torchlight 2 Embermage build, this is the Storm Mage! Das preisgekrönte Action-RPG ist zurück, und es ist größer und besser als jemals zuvor. Keep maximized of Blood Hunger, Frenzy Mastery, and Executioner. Your remaining point can rotate between your "dump" stats. Die Links zu den Guides führen in unser Forum. In Torchlight 2 gibt es vier Klassen: Berserker, Glutsteinmagier, Ingenieur und Vagant. By default, Torchlight 2 only allows you to respec your last three skill points (at a steep cost.)

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