Wie man jemandem ein Kapitel widmet & was das bedeutet It changed my life!Chasing Red was one of 2016’s most-read stories on Wattpad -- and that was just the beginning for this Winnipeg-Manitoba-based writer. Vereinzelt findet ihr hier auch englische Geschichten, aber nur sehr wenige.

Ich hoffe es ist für jeden etwas dabei. Wattpad connects a global community of millions of readers and writers through the power of story

Wie man eine Geschichte mit mehreren Kapiteln erstellt Her first paranormal YA novel, Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, is being published by Simon & Schuster and turned into a television series on Hulu.The Wattpad Stars Program gave me opportunities I never thought possible. Wähle dort die Sprache aus, die deine Geschichte haben soll.Klicke auf 'Speichern' um deine Änderung zu sichern.

Wie man die Altersempfehlung einer Geschichte ändert

Der Bearbeitungsbildschirm erscheint. Connect with other like-minded writers through storytelling.Gain Wattpad Star status and get your story published or adapted into film or television with Wattpad Books and Wattpad Studios!Working with Wattpad Studios is like a dream. Wie wird man Follower eines Autors & was bedeutet das? Get your story discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Wattpad Books works with partners such as: Find out more about what we do for writers → How Wattpad Works. :) - #2 in Kurzgeschichten - 23... #creepy #deutsch #englisch #english #german #geschichte #gruselgeschichten #gruselig #halloween #horror #horrorstories #kurz #kurzgeschichten #short #shortstories #shortstory #shortstorycollection #stories #story #translated #übersetzt.

His stories on Wattpad, such as “When the Black-Eyed Children Knock,” have drawn more than 1.5 million reads.Having been active on Wattpad for several years, I knew it would be the perfect platform for a thriller with lots of cliffhangers for readers to discuss. Die offizielle Wattpad-Hilfe ist toll - nur leider Komplett auf Englisch.

In a single year, her explosive hit has racked up over 127 million reads on Wattpad. It connected me to a world that I had only imagined. Wattpad Books travaille avec des partenaires tels que : En savoir plus sur ce que nous faisons pour les écrivains → Comment fonctionne Wattpad.

Her debut novel, WHITE STAG, will be published by Wednesday Books/Macmillan in January 2019.When I joined Wattpad, I gained a second family who were as passionate about reading and writing as I am.Ali Novak is a Wisconsin native and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's creative writing program. Das wars :-)

Das hier ist eine kurze Erklärung auf Deutsch wie Wattpad funktioniert und wie man es bedient. The world tells its stories in many wonderful ways, and Tap by Wattpad is where you’ll find immersive, interactive storytelling.


Jemand der während er sein Wattpad auf 'Englisch' geschaltet hat (per sprachauswahl ganz rechts oben in der orangen wattpad-Leiste) wird also per Suchfunktion niemals … Newly edited and expanded, the book was split into two and hit bookstore shelves in 2017.Enter writing contests to get published, win awards, and partner with global brands.Wattpad’s annual awards program committed to celebrating the best stories around the world.

Not only do they care about your success, but also staying true to your vision.Kara Barbieri is a twenty-two year old author with a love for the weird and mystic. Since then, her work has received more than 150 million hits online and My Life with the Walter Boys has been optioned for television by Komixx Entertainment and Sony Pictures Television.Being a Wattpad Star is the foundation for everything I do as a writer, from the behind the scenes wrangling to the big, game-changing projects.Benjamin Sobieck is a Wattpad Star and editor of “The Writer’s Guide to Wattpad,” published in August 2018 by Writer’s Digest Books and featuring contributions by 23 Wattpad Stars, ambassadors, and staff. interactive stories you won’t want to put down.

Wattpad Books aspires to recognize and reflect diverse voices by taking Wattpad stories to published book and onto bookshelves around the world. Take a universe of interactive stories with you. 1.

Bitte, wenn ihr eine Frage habt die hier nicht beantwortet wird, schreibt einen...Gehe mit der Maus auf den Teil der Orangen Wattpad-Leiste wo dein Profilbild zu sehen ist. I don’t know how else to say it. Find the writing resources you need to craft a story only you can tell.Establish a global fan base as your story gains readership and momentum. Schön das ihr wieder bei einer meiner Übersetzungen gelandet seid.

Wie meine letzte Übersetzung befindet sich auch diese original Geschichte hier auf Wattpad. Ein Untermenü klappt auf.

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