Da er Sohn eines jüdischen Vaters war, floh seine Familie 1935 vor der nationalsozialistischen Bedrohung in die USA.

Strongly anti-Nazi, he served in the United States Army during World War II, from 1942 to 1945. All photos uploaded successfully, click on the Done button to see the photos in the gallery. Dann war er von 1965 bis 1971 der hummelige, hyper-teutonische Colonel Wilhelm Klink (Werner Klemperer) in der TV-Sitcom Hogan´s Heroes. They may have ...

Seine Tochter Lotte war für ihn bis zuletzt als Managerin, Sekretärin und Betreuerin tätig.

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He also combined his acting experience with his music career, appearing as a narrator with nearly every major symphony orchestra in the United States. Avec Bob Crane, John Banner, Werner Klemperer, Richard Dawson, Ivan Dixon, Robert Clary.

We grew up with these characters and remember them well.

Werner Klemperer, who stars as 'Bolix' is everyone's favorite TV German Air Force colonel, was best known for his role as the bumbling Col. Wilhelm Klink on the comedy series Hogan's Heroes. Image dated October 16, 1968. Werner Klemperer war mit Louise Troy verheiratet, die er am Set von Ein Käfig voller Helden kennen lernte. If you have questions, please contact Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person.You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. In fact, he's a messenger for the Capone mob, regularly collecting shipments of narcotics. Born in Cologne, Germany, his father was famed German conductor Otto Klemperer. Ness had been observing Tornek for some time and when he misses picking up a drug delivery, he's soon on to Mrs. Tornek who has already received the ransom demand.

Papa Schultz ou Stalag 13 : série TV américaine (Comédie) en 168 épisodes de 25 minutes, créée par Bernard Fein et Albert S. Ruddy, diffusée du 17 septembre 1965 au 4 avril 1971 sur le réseau CBS. The Purple Gang, led by Eddie Fletcher, specialize in small-time kidnapping focusing on minor mobster that can fetch them a few thousand dollars in a short period of time.

He was also an accomplished orchestra conductor. Born in Cologne, Germany, his father was famed German conductor Otto Klemperer.

Find exactly what you're looking for! They may have bitten off than they can chew when they grab Jan Tornek. During the mid-1930s, the Jewish Klemperer family was forced to flee Nazi Germany, and arriving in the United States, young Werner Klemperer studied music, becoming an accomplished concert violinist, and determined to be an orchestra conductor like his father. Peter Newkirk Image dated August 13, 1968.

During the mid-1930s, the Jewish Klemperer family was forced to flee Nazi Germany, and arriving in the United States, young Werner Klemperer studied music, becoming an accomplished concert violinist, and determined to be an orchestra conductor like his father. Verify and try again.Are you sure that you want to report this flower to administrators as offensive or abusive?This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review.Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried.For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab.All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage.

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