You may find this also in later expansions Cataclysm and MoP to rush up the level time for all characters especially on custom or high rate realms.
Starter mall, with starter gear and professions area. Based on the 3.3.5a expansion, we have for you an all new PvP/PvE experience. The amount and quality of good players praising and playing on this server is insane and the Heroic + dungeons are far from easy, even if you aren't a hardcore pvp'er YET , I'd suggest to make a few accounts with your guildies and try those Heroic+ dungeons, they'll offer a far superior challenge then any other PvE content on other servers.0.4 Sheckles have been deposited into your account.Server looks very interesting honestly, especially the PVE Heroic+ is what i'm interested in, but also 1v1 sounds goodGreat idea, great dev, seemingly great community, hope it takes off properly.What is the purpose of mythic+ dungeons when you're basically bis already?
Can't wait to see if this is the server i have been praying for to casually play try hard arenas at the same gear level as other people, without having to drop $400 or grind bgs for 3 days /played.Well it looks just like any other wow server website, guess the used the same patternThis is not a for-profit project. If you gave it a bit more thought and research you'd know that besides the shoulder that you only can get from higher keys you also get Gold.

I am playing the game for more than a decade, achieved highest competitive PvP challenges on AT/retail and working as a engineer IRL.Now working on private servers for >2 years, the Virtus core (Trinitycore based) has been worked on from scratch and is now very far from a “stock”.We distribute Beta Access on server streams or for great interest for the server :)More detailed server information and features here: "Oh, neat, sounds like fun, no cash shop at all, I think I'll go check it ou-"Currently in Closed beta, the server is set to release in January 2020.I can't recommend this server enough, from my personal testing experience this server looks incredibly promising and well made. Hopefully it can get a decent pop.I've been bouncing off every server I've tried lately (and classic) because of the absolute lack of challenge. 1v1 Arena. Top 100 Liste, füge Deinen World of Warcraft privaten Server … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts We are excited to continue this journey with you, Welcome to WoWBeez! This post as well as the server website seem very professionally made as far as private servers go. General- I misunderstood how it worked.If you like 3.3.5 and you'd like to push your gameplay and enjoyment to the fullest I can't think of a better server. x1 professions, gold, drop rates. Everything is open, available, and scripted. Fully working transmog NPC with custom currency transmog mall. All WOTLK instances are fully working including Icecrown Citadel and Rube Sanctum. THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER 284 META ARENAREALM.People who were looking for a server like this should really give Virtus a try on release, so keep it in mind when January arrives.Congrats to SSNS for making this passion project come true, you did an amazing job here.It's about time that a server is giving a solid instant 80 experience with no pay to win avenues. (Unlike some other server that ruined the game by selling Shadowmourne for 150€ apiece. "Wow, was skeptical when I came to the thread but that actually sounds nice. Warmane is the only PvP scene where all of those boxes are checked but you unfortunately have to deal with the p2w/shadowmourne nonsense. Questions can be taken to the server discord: 3.3.x, 3.3.5a Starter mall, with starter gear and professions area. I'd love to be completely wrong though :)Just my personal stupid idea(don't listen to it)can't you unite with anotherway to make join project with 9x and instant (i said it's stupid idea)to make it easy because i know alot of people would play on your and their serverWell, anyone who plays on a blizzlike server can also play on Virtus for arenas/soloqueue/duels or just for heroic+ dungeons. Virtus is an Instant 80 WotLK server with added features like Mythic+ dungeons, Rated BGs, retail inspired Looking for Group, and a lot more. Heroic+ instances AND rated BGs AND soloqueue PLUS all the standard arena features (also the 1v1 ladder). Crossfaction grouping, instances, and guilds. Wowbeez 3.3.5a instant 80. So I'm guessing it will primarily be a PvE realm. Wow Instant Lvl 80 Servers Players will start at level 80 on instant WOTLK fun realms. Fully working transmog NPC with custom currency transmog mall. Arena season statistics NPC. I don't get your idea of people getting bored after 2 weeks, like WTF have you even been in the PvP scene? Working Wintergrasp. Don't take this as an attack or anything, but just give it a bit more thought or w/e go back to your incentive filled ICC 25 HC, reach you DKP goals.Probably the competitive ladder for PvE and just seeing how high you can clear. General- Instant 80. Based on the 3.3.5a expansion, we have for you an all new PvP/PvE experience. The point of the server is to provide an accessible, well made, “WoW” looking high-end experience. An up to date list of WotLK Private Servers including blizzlike servers, fun servers, and custom servers with available information on realm features such as language, average population, realm type, and whether a shop is available.

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