it's almost as if there's a level-up kind of look to the sets. I expect 2 hours.Horrible addition to the game. The only gear that looked amazing post WoD was the Legion sets that were throw backs to TBC sets. Not many people want bland plain gear.
This is a bad slippery slope that this mmo is going down. The only gear that looked amazing post WoD was the Legion sets that were throw backs to TBC sets. This is by far the most horrible item I've seen added to the game.
Magister's Regalia (Mage Tier 0) The Tier 0 Set or Dungeon Set 1 for Mages is called Magister's Regalia. in a way, i get it; with plate having distinct pieces, it's really easy to design them and even more so, they have better polygons compared to slapping an entire design into a robe mesh. However, they also serve an aesthetic role as well, for those who like to collect matching sets of armor. What do you mean or HD T6? but that's no excuse to slack off on other armor sets just because it's a literal piece of cloth. Even the most basic and simplistic styles of the plate armor look incredible; can't wait to use them! waaah! This item is notable for several reasons: it has no cooldown so you can keep your appearance indefinitely, plus Tier 3 is extremely rare, unobtainable save for the Black Market Auction House. The Mirror of Envious Dreams is an item from Revendreth that transforms your character's armor into full Tier 3 from Naxxramas, or HD Tier 6 from Tomb of Sargeras. Magister's Regalia Set Bonuses The following are additional bonuses granted on how many pieces of the set you … Look at the most popular transmog sets, they're the old sets. do they have no shame?
Its the same issue they always had balancing how cool warlock tier always was compared to the restThe cloth ones look like they miss a lot of 3D parts, but if the mail from Bastion looks the same as it looked in the concept art, i'll be happy. Blizzard tends to cut the colors I like the most from the finished game xDThey really don't know what to do with mail, do they?
this is why we need class sets at least that gave them a reason to semi care and try. it's very tier-like side by side and it really puts cloth in a bad light because they'll always look like some weird old hand-me-downs that you chanced upon and plates will always look good and grand even if they're green equips.Why can't mail have a hood without a stupid blinder in the way. Or do some classes get one, but others get the other?The actual armor pieces are still much more valuable since, as the article points out, you can mix and match them with other transmog.Not a fan of this.
posted 4 hr 36 min ago by Squishei. Its the same issue they always had balancing how cool warlock tier always was compared to the restThe cloth ones look like they miss a lot of 3D parts, but if the mail from Bastion looks the same as it looked in the concept art, i'll be happy. I like the undead leather too.Venthyr cloth looking real good for Priests with both holy and void color options!Every single full helmet is ruined by default on blood elves because of ears and eyebrows clipping throught it. The armor set represents them perfectly.Plate gear looks so good. Since early in World of Warcraft: Classic, tier sets have been a defining feature for its classes - Items that go together aesthetically and on top of that, provide bonuses when worn together. Its moving towards mobile gaming tactics and free to play strategy.imagine having so little going on your life that this makes you angryok well can i get a refund on all the gold i spent on the bmah then? Leather Oribos Dungeon Dressing Room (Missing Shoulders) Mail Oribos Dungeon Dressing Room. It'll make people stand out way more if they choose to use them.oh dear lord they're awful, which baffles me that blizz keeps finding ways to make especially mail worse, mail hasn't had a great set since like wrath, with few exceptions were artists part of that purge of firings they did? Even on humans, shoulders look like crap.Ohhh, that Venthyr cloth tint looks FANTASTIC, and the fact that Discipline Priest theme fits into the Venthyr SO WELL (I mean, they literally have talents called "Sins of the Many" and "Purge the Wicked" XDDD) is gonna be a problem for me, since I'm dedicated to Night Fae xDDDThe Night Fae mail set is still missing a helm on the previews. Mail getting shafted again, haha the meme continues.