One of the most important activities that you can do for France is pray. • Pray for Christ to transform Muslim immigrants into bold proclaimers of the Gospel. Pray that such hunger might overcome the suspicion toward religion. This is an opportunity to minister and reach out to the people of France at a time of crisis. We have received a prophetic call for prayer from our ICEJ-France Director, Robert Baxter, who also pastors a church in Paris, and we invite you to join us in prayer and fasting. Pray for France is an initiative of Impact France and was created in order to unite and align English speakers from around the world with native French prayer initiatives.. Though the majority live in urban areas, there are also many traditionally-focused communes. Hostility toward organized religion as well as the privatization of spirituality mean that regular attendance in any church is below 8%. Join us as we continue to pray for France in the midst of the coronavirus situatio… This is an opportunity to minister and reach out to the people of France at a time of crisis. Pray that Christians would be prepared to patiently and relationally share Jesus with those who the Reformation, and at one stage some estimate that up to 25% of the French population had embraced the new teaching. - John 14:14Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinese, Basque minoritiesBuddhist 0.5-0.75%, Jewish 0.5-0.75%, other 0.5-1%, none 23-28%activating God’s people to exalt Jesus Christ and advance His gospel to the multitudes | ©2018 Please pray for the people of France. Impact France is the leading partner in the United States for Pray for France. As the sixth largest economy in the world, it’s socialized economic policies have led to good public service and infrastructure, while also opening the door for crippling bureaucracy and frequent strikes. Only two percent are Evangelical, and only eight percent regularly attend church.

Every year since 2001, thousands of French people have interceded for France during the weeks before Easter. Most French have a profound ignorance of, or indifference to, the gospel, many having never meaningfully encountered it. Attempts at economic reform have often sparked protests and strikes. But persecution (from the mid-16th Century until the late 18th Century), humanism and nominalism (in the last 200 years) have reduced this to 1.9% in 2010. Yet, the relativism of postmodernity has generated acute emptiness and existential angst; as many have noted, this in turn has created a spiritual hunger that has grown rapidly in recent years. Pray for France will be April 12, 2020 - May 2, 2020 FRANCE NEEDS PRAYER. Their primary purpose is to facilitate and encourage active Christian philanthropy and intercession for Evangelical churches and ministries of France. Increasing immigration has led to challenging integration issues. Pray that such hunger might overcome the suspicion toward religion. Many are suspicious of organized religion.

This includes over 6.5 million Muslims, who now represent France’s second largest religion. Pray for France will be April 12, 2020 - May 2, 2020. Pray that Christians would be prepared to patiently and relationally share Jesus with those who seek. Yet, God is on the move – drawing in the French people, one soul at a time.

Pray for France. Édouard Nelson, vice president of the CNEF national (and valued Pray for France prayer guide contributor), has gone to be with the Lord this morning following a … France also boasts some of history’s most influential writers, philosophers, and theologians. Despair and hopelessness has led to Europe’s highest number of youth suicides. Recently, God has been drawing more and more individuals to unite in prayer for this nation.

The philosophies of atheist existentialism and post-modern relative truth have left many seeking meaning and purpose. The center of Western Europe. However, this search for meaning has also led some to seek and find Christ!

But persecution (from the mid-16th Century until the late 18th Century), humanism and … FRANCE NEEDS PRAYER. • Pray for compelling Christlikeness among both foreign and indigenous believers. Protestantism – though widely respected – is spiritually compromised by liberal theology, universalism and the acceptance of contradictory doctrinal and ethical views. Please pray for the people of France. 1% Evangelical.

Pray for restoration to the faith and commitment shown by their martyr forebears. Excellence in art, fashion, and cuisine have drawn visitors from around the globe.

Pray For France. Between the European majority and growing immigrant populations, this nation is beautifully diverse.France has inspired reform and even revolutionary ideals throughout history. • Pray for the Living God to shatter the power of spiritual oppression and atheism.• Pray for compelling Christlikeness among both foreign and indigenous believers.• Pray for Christ to transform Muslim immigrants into bold proclaimers of the Gospel.For many, thoughts of France include strolling lovers, magnificent art and architecture, and breath-taking views from the Alps.

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