He wears a mask at the bottom of his face hiding his terrifying nature. Lucy Creb And Alice:Bludgeoned To Death By Chester With A Hammer She is the sister of Pepper, a microcephalic woman who was a performer at Fraulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities. American Horror Story: Freak Show is the fourth season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story, created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk.It premiered on October 8, 2014 and concluded on January 21, 2015. Gay Man:Neck Twisted/Decapitated By Dell (Flashback)

Detective Robert Bunch:Throat Slashed By Jimmy Darling Ethel Darling:Knife Thrown Into Eye By Elsa And Later Decapitated

Four Legged Lady:Shot In The Forehead By Edward Mordrake (Flashback)

Dandy Mott:Drowned In A Chinese Water Trap By Jimmy,Desiree,And Bette And Dot Twisty The Clown:Stabbed In The Chest Repeatedly by Edward Mordrake and his crew

Evan Peters as Jimmy Darling, a passionate protector of all things freaky ; Michael Chiklis as Dell Toledo, the strongman with a weakness for men. Returning cast members from the previous seasons of the series include: In November 2013, FX announced that the show had been renewed for a fourth season.At Paley Center for Media's 2014 PaleyFest event, Ryan Murphy announced that the season's filming would take place again in A video released in July 2014, entitled "Fallen Angel", was reported by many news sources to be an official As with previous seasons, FX released a series of teaser trailers on the show's In its fourth season, the series was nominated for 76 awards, 21 of which were won. The story relied on the ensemble cast from the previous season with Finn Wittrock joining as a prominent actor in the role of Dandy Mott, the season principal villa… Eudora Tattler:Stabbed Several Times In The Chest By Bette Tattler Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was announced on Ryan Murphy's Twitter account on March 24, 2014 that the story title was "Freak Show." Maggie Esmerelda:Sawed In Half By Chester During A Psychotic Episode Marjorie:Stabbed Multiple Times In The Chest By Chester (Hallucination) Twisty The Clown:Stabbed In The Chest Repeatedly by Edward Mordrake and his crew Dora Brown:Throat Slit By Dandy Pink Cupcakes Edit. Sylvia Mills,Mryna Austin,Joanne Miller,Elaine Seymour And Four Others:Stabbed To Death By Dandy (Off-Screen) Evan Peters as Jimmy Darling, a passionate protector of all things freaky.]) Tall Freak:Stabbed In The Head By Edward Mordrake (Flashback)

Twisty the Clown is a major antagonist of American Horror Story: Freak Show, and the main antagonist of its first four episodes.

Troy Miller:Stabbed Several Times In The Chest By Twisty A fourth story was announced on November 6, 2013, which featured 13 episodes. Twisty is a retired clown who is a serial killer and kidnapper. Rita Gayheart (Mare Winningham) is a villainess from "Orphans," the tenth episode of American Horror Story: Freak Show (airdate December 17, 2014). This season is mainly set in 1952 Jupiter, Florida, telling the story of one of the last remaining freak shows in the United States, and their struggle for survival.

Lillian Hemmings:Decapitated By Desiree After Being Stabbed By Her Stanley:Unknown Possibly Shot By Dandy After Being Mutilated By Fraulein Elsa's Cabinet Of Curiousities ; Frances Conroy as Gloria Mott, a dedicated mother and wealthy socialite.

Regina Ross:Shot In The Forehead By Detective Jack Colquitt At The Request Of Dandy Mott ; Denis O'Hare as Stanley, a crafty grifter whose con isn't all that's long. Legless Suzi:Shot In The Back Of The Head By Dandy Twisty has strange facial features, his face being parts of a mask and then scars on different sides.

Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of of American Horror Story: Freak Show with exclusive news, photos, videos and more at TVGuide.com

Main Characters. Midget:Stabbed In The Neck By Edward Mordrake (Flashback) Every cover song used in the season was made available for digital download on services such as "There's something going on there that is so non-American but totally American, so sexy and dark but there's hope everywhere." Toy Store Clerk:Impaled Through The Throat By Twisty

Tall Freak:Stabbed In The Head By Edward Mordrake (Flashback) Edward Mordrake:Hanged Himself (Flashback) Edward Mordrake Part 2 Edit.

2 Officers:Bludgeoned To Death By Dell With A Crowbar Asylum Doctor:Throat Slit By Edward Mordrake (Flashback) Andy:Stabbed Several Times In The Stomach And Dismembered By Dandy Freak Show is the subtitle for the fourth season, or miniseries, of American Horror Story. He returns as a minor fictional antagonist in American Horror Story: Cult. Freak Show (story)/Characters.These are the characters of Freak Show, and the actors who portray them.Cast and Characters.Main Characters.Sarah Paulson as Bette and Dot Tattler, conjoined sisters who share a body, but not a heart.

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