This is a note to let the editors of this article know that I can't check the reference as it's behind a paywall, but this doesn't sound right. This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Eye article. ; New to Wikipedia? Specular light of object is more shiny wan color. We see the specular highlights in colour if they are bright enough to excite our cone cells. Seems to me that if the section is here with nothing in it then it shouldn't be here at all, but there should be some talk going on about it. Thus, imaging eyes are not monophyletic, even though opsins are.

“Ocean Eyes” is a love song recorded by singer Billie Eilish when she was only 14 years old.

Ask questions, get answers. We rely on them because of their accuracy. The subtypes of non-compound and compound eyes (pit eyes, spherical lensed eye, apposition eyes, etc.) I regard this as insufficient. Another reason why in dark hard distinguish colours is that for example orange color have stronger red and weaker green and in dark green color is under threshold of visibility and red is visible yet, so orange looks like red in dark.

Does "placental mammals" mean placental mammals while they are in the womb or placental mammals for their whole life? I am gonna nuke it. Hello! Similar ideas appear in ancient Latin works and in the Bible. In what sense is it even technically appropriate? That doesn't make any sense in the context of this article.

Someone check please. The eyes serve as conduits of information we have relied on for thousands of years. An IP just changed "background:dimgray; color:#ffffff;" to "background:dimgray; color:#000000;" I'm primarily working on paleontology, in particular trilobites. The Eyes Are the Window to the Soul Meaning.

It is not very informative, presents legend as fact, and even contains an emoticon (o.O, to be specific). Simply download the Eye Talk Digital file, then use your software (e.g., Optomate, Ocelot or Sunix Vision) to import the latest information.By using the data codes in the Eye Talk Reference Guide, you will have instant access to the latest information.Please note that we no longer offer issue codes. In my opinion, the article would benefit from illustrations of how the different eye types function. I have no idea which is right/wrong. I mean, object is barely recognized only from specular light and thus don't have color. Around … The article states that the eye has monophyletic origins among all animals but I don't think that's correct. I'm changing all to "color" (defying my own preference) as it has a 75/25 majority. This is described elsewhere on Wikipedia.

And if there is at least [little bit] more light, then color [of object] is possible to recognize. The article should be changed to reflect that. Regardless of the type of eye, there is no reason for the brain to "flip over" an inverted image. The Three Wise Monkeys represent the proverb see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, frequently interpreted as a call to discretion or figure for willful ignorance. Talking with your eyes cannot replace vocal conversation, but it can certainly add to it. Just like one can talk … The citation given actually doesn't provide support. Is there any support for this (dubious) claim? The representation of the image inside the brain is an abstract data pattern that has no need to be oriented in the same way as the outside world, if it even has an "orientation". I have a couple of observations, that I feel not up to to perform myself, so I hope someone would be able to consider what could be done. See-No-Evil Monkey. Welcome! "The thin overgrowth of transparent cells over the eye's aperture,..." This really needs changing, because it implies that vertebrate eyes evolved in the same way as cephalopod eyes, with a "pin-hole camera" stage, like a nautiloid. I'm not sure which is better for the article.. One looks faded/blurry, the other looks over-sharpened.. "With a few exceptions (snakes, placental mammals), most organisms ..."
"Capitulate" means to stop resisting. To access our online ET Digital Download Service, simply proceed to the login page and enter your username and password. When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs. I'm not even sure enough of the intent of the author to suggest an alternate wording.--One part of this article says the eye evolved 540 mya, referenced to three technical research papers on genetics, another part says in the Cambrian 600 mya (even though the Cambrian started 542 mya) referenced to a book written by a psychologist.

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