This is a fantastic sci-fi spoof that combines cleverness without being up itself, and excellent laugh out loud comedy. from our local store and watched it by myself- the kids were away for the day. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The movie performed modestly on the box office. The rights to the distribution of the movie are with DreamWorks pictures. Their current lives revolve around cashing in on however those roles will afford, which usually entails attending fan conventions or worse, such as electronic store openings. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. 1999 Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Galaxy Quest ist nicht umsonst ein Kulk-Klassiker unter Trekkies: Ein liebevoller, satirischer Blick in die Welt der Nerds und Fans, der alternden Serien-Stars und des gesamten Universums.Sehr guter SF Film respektive SF Persiflage für StarTrek o.Ä.
Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Galaxy Quest 2 release date. Einealternde FS Raumschiffbesatzung, die durch die Lande tingelt und versucht mit Auftritten in Supermärkten,Autohäusern,SF Cons etc ihr Geld zu verdienen.Sigourney Weaver gibt die voll- The alumni cast of a space opera television series have to play their roles as the real thing when an alien race needs their help. The alumni cast of a space opera television series have to play their roles as the real thing when an alien race needs their help. Wie es aussieht, hat Amazon die Pläne kurzerhand geändert und wollte ein Film-Sequel zu Galaxy Quest produzieren, mit der kompletten Original-Besetzung. contrairement à la description, il n'y a ni sous-titre en français, ni version en langue française. Sieh dir Trailer an, lies die Rezensionen von Kunden und Kritikern und kaufe den von Dean Parisot gedrehten Film „Galaxy Quest“ für 8,99 €. It couldn’t live up to the expectations of the producers. Eine köstliche Parodie auf StarTrek und Co, vermeidet dabei aber gekonnt ins allzu Alberne abzugleiten. However, the film was widely praised by the fans and the critics for its realistic conflict between the aliens and the humans in space.Not only this, but the movie was also nominated for various awards and won the award of Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Nebula Award for Best Script.The movie has not been renewed for another part till now. Zwanzig Jahre später halten bedrohte Aliens die "Galaxy Quest" - Wiederholungen für "historische Dokumente" und 'beamen' die abgehalfterten Mimen als vermeintliche Retter des Universums zu sich herauf. Diese Website verwendet Cookies für Analysen, personalisierte Inhalte und Werbung. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. In 'Galaxy Quest' we get an answer. Galaxy Quest Planlos durchs Weltall ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1999. I couldn't wait to put it back on to let the kids watch it with me and they enjoyed it just as much. At a convention of course where, to make it even better, the aliens don't even look out of place. excellent film, mais ce disque ne fournit pas la langue française, ni en audio, ni en s/t For four years, the courageous crew of the NSEA Protector donned their uniforms and set out on thrilling and often dangerous missions in space - then their series was cancelled.
A sci-fi comedy that outshines the show it's sending up. Ohne Drehbuch, Regisseur oder Plan müssen die Schauspieler in diesem urkomischen Abenteuer - von Jeffrey Lions (NBC-TV) als "witzigste Komödie des Jahres" bezeichnet - die Rolle ihres Lebens spielen. Galaxy Quest (1999) Full Cast & Crew. Er ist eine Parodie auf Star Trek, die Trekkies und einige andere Filme aus dem Science-Fiction-Bereich. The Thermians have picked up a corny Sci-Fi series, obviously based on the original version of Star Trek, and are so impressed by how the spaceship crew in it save themselves and the universe each week that they use it as a model for their own civilisation. Heute, 20 Jahre nach Ende der Serie, treten fünf Ex-Crewmitglieder immer noch bei Fan-Conventions auf. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Well, except Tim Allen, who starts off very cheery until he has some ice water thrown in his face, a surprisingly effective moment. dalle recensioni non era chiaro che non ci fosse compresa la lingua italiana. Tim Allen used to be the Capt.Kirk-type commander on the TV show; Weaver played his communications officer, like Uhura, and always repeated computer statements; Rickman was the alien doctor; Shalhoub was the Scotty-like tech man below decks; Mitchell was the pilot, like Sulu. I wouldn't have thought it was possible to make a sci-fi spoof as good as this - it is both sharp and generous, and is stuffed with hilarious moments. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? I wish I could've been around while they were filming!! 1 Std. So the cast of Galaxy Quest are largely has-beens, living off the show's legend, but unknown to them aliens have watched every episode and actually think the fictional TV cast are the real deal. Humans in a fascist, militaristic future wage war with giant alien bugs. Directed by Dean Parisot. Un titolo che non può mancare nella vostra collezione! Raz le bol de devoir à chaque fois vérifier pour chaque Bluray si il est bien en Français. A fire-fighting cadet, two college professors, and a geeky but sexy government scientist work against an alien organism that has been rapidly evolving since its arrival on Earth inside a meteor.