Warum brauche ich das? Toggle "Block cookie dialogs" to enable cookie blocking. To install I don't care about cookies, make sure you have Opera installed. Gesamte Bewertungen: 155. Mehr erfahren. If you like it, please help by making a small donation: https://www.paypal.me/kiboke Due to EU regulations and increased awareness of online privacy, every website must get user's permission before installing tracking cookies. Das Browser -Addon „I don’t care about Cookies“ blockiert die Belehrungen. Schon 2019 habe ich in dem Blog Werbung für das Add-on „I don’t care about cookies“ gemacht, das es für Firefox als auch Chrome gibt.
Check Bitcoin Address Balance Tool View all. Schrecklich Schlecht Durchschnitt Gut Ausgezeichnet. 4.6 / 5. Diese Erweiterungen und Hintergrundbilder wurden für den The EU regulations require that any website using tracking cookies must get user's permission before installing them. I don't care about cookies 3.1.9. Und nachdem ich gerade die Empfehlung dafür in einer Computerzeitschrift gelesen habe, will ich wieder einmal an dieses nützliche Tool erinnern. I don't care about cookies for Opera is a clever extension that can block these messages on almost all websites you visit, without blocking the cookies themselves. Tons of features to improve your user experience on YouTube™. Ihre Bewertung.
The last bookmarking add-on you will use. Start; Erweiterungen; Produktivität; I don't care about cookies I don't care about cookies von kiboke-studio. Entferne Cookie-Warnungen von fast allen Websites! Select Ad blocking on the Settings page to manage the functionality. Why do you need it? These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser. Enable Ad blocking if you have not already. 4.6 / 5. ralph.steyer@rjs.de August 24, 2020 August 24, 2020. The thing about this extension is that if it's doing its job properly, you won't really notice that it's there.
Your rating. Vom Entwickler Daniel Kladnik aus Kroatien stammt ein praktisches Browser-Plugin namens I don’t care about cookies (zu Deutsch etwa: „Mir sind Cookies egal“).
x. Download Opera Download Opera browser with: built-in ad blocker; battery saver; free VPN ; Download Opera These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser. Use the Evernote extension to save things you see on the web into your Evernote account. If you like it, please help by making a small donation: https://www.paypal.me/kiboke I don't care about cookies 3.2.0.
Verwende die Evernote-Erweiterung, um Dinge, die du online entdeckst, in deinem Evernote-Konto zu speichern. Mit dieser Erweiterung für den Webbrowser lassen sich nervige Cookie-Meldungen auf den meisten Seiten automatisch bejahen und somit direkt für die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer ausblenden. Home; Extensions; Productivity; I don't care about cookies I don't care about cookies by kiboke-studio. Then, go to this link to install the extension. Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites! Get easy access to e-resources provided by your Library directly from your browser. Aufgrund von EU-Vorschriften und mehr Bewusstsein für Datenschutz im Internet muss jede Website erst die Zustimmung des Nutzers einholen, bevor sie Cookies speichert. Get easy access to e-resources provided by your Library directly from your browser. Diese Erweiterungen und Hintergrundbilder wurden für den Opera-Browser erstellt. Click on the toolbar button opens the newest email. Get badge counter for a custom user search query. Imagine how irritating that becomes when you surf anonymously or if you delete cookies automatically every time you close the browser.This extension requires quite a lot of my effort and time. Secret Server Web Password Filler These extensions and wallpapers are made for the The EU regulations require that any website using tracking cookies must get user's permission before installing them. I don’t care about cookies – reloaded. Once you've installed it, it will automatically hide all popups about cookies. Opera-Browser erforderlich. Select Opera > Settings. Tell Me More. Alle zeigen. Aktuell steht die Version 2.9.8 für Firefox, Chrome, Opera …
Imagine how irritating that becomes when you surf anonymously or if you delete cookies automatically every time you close the browser.This extension requires quite a lot of my effort and time. Eine Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten, um deine Nutzererfahrung auf YouTube™ zu verbessern.