Each is driven by a 174-hp 2.0-liter diesel engine and based on a standard-wheelbase TGE with high roof.

With a best-in-class turning radius, electronic stability control and ergonomic emphasis, there’s no wonder why it’s become a van life fan favorite. With a range of modern technological and safety standards (like driver assist, clever parking and smart-cornering halogen lights) as well as some Ingenious, space-saving design elements abound, from Volkswagen’s iconic pop-top roof that allows 4 adults to sleep comfortably, to the removable camping table and chairs that stow neatly out of the way when not in use.

Cliquez sur les images pour les voir en plus grand. Nouveau MAN 12.

Precision engineered to be rock solid, this adventure-ready travel van comes stock with a 4×4 transmission, 325lb/ft of torque and enough space to stow every conceivable genre of action gear under the sun.

Whether it’s a romantic getaway or family adventure, our campervans provide a perfect place to relax and unwind.

This VW Crafter Camper Conversion starts at £80,000 (plus VAT).

A VW T5, with a modern style interior and white finish. If you don’t want to spend money on a new van, Sportsmobile will convert any E-Series into a 4×4 camper. A VW T6, with a stylish interior and vibrant orange colour finish. In the end, I spent $3,480 on my camper van build.

See the stories that matter in your inbox every morning. $1800 of that, was for the Goal Zero Power Station. Its lighter camping furniture layout removes, clearing the cargo area for 9-to-5 work duties or weekend trips that entail large equipment like bikes or hot air balloons.For adventure trips that run more than a single day, the owner can drop in the camping furniture and load bikes, boards and other equipment between the side benches using the integrated ramp. Hand-built to order by their dedicated engineers in England, Doubleback’s James Bond style gadgetry has earned it the nickname “the Swiss Army knife of vans”.

The more versatile, multi-use van of the two, this concept features a lighter camper layout with removable furniture – Most of us automatically associate Fiat with its diminutive icon, the 500.

One more neat tidbit: Fiat offers all Ducato owners its live phone assistance in 15 Languages, 51 Countries, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. – Although not as fancy as the Sawtooth, Sportsmobile’s Sprinter conversion is a great buy.

It’s not the biggest; it’s not the fastest; it’s not the flashiest. There are plenty of good reasons to ditch the familiar four walls of your apartment and commit to the glorious existence of life on the road. – Subscribe and get the latest goods straight to your inbox.Subscribe and get the latest goods straight to your inbox.

Whether it’s a romantic getaway or family adventure, our campervans provide a perfect place to relax and unwind. But your bros will tell you they’re worth it. Some were passenger-carrying models with three rows of seats, while others were fitted with the desirable Westphalia option and factory-built for camping with a sink, a small kitchen, and convenient cupboards.

Without wasting time on unnecessary external flare, Outside Van’s Wanderlust is a solid long-term option for those with one thing in mind: being Although it’s endowed with much more than just the basics (hot/cold sink Germany’s Hymercar has a reputation for building campers of outstanding comfort and quality. "We want to demonstrate our competence and experience in the individualization of vehicles that above all in classic B2B business is based on the modification of coaches for commercial customers," Heinz Kiess, senior sales and marketing manager at the BMC said when MAN introduced the concepts earlier this month. The company points out that it showed its first "weekend car" nearly a century ago. I understand that my data will be stored securely and will not be shared with any third parties.

150 kW (204 Ch DIN) …

A look inside MAN's white full-time camper van concept A VW T5, with a cool custom finish and manual right-hand drive. And considering its enormous factory customization options result in over 600 potential layouts, there’s something here for everybody. The pod itself weighs just over 300lbs, but can support an impressive 900lbs of gear and furniture. If you’re looking for the most affordable, pre-built, 144” Sprinter-based camper van out there, you should look in this direction.

All you need to do is fill up the water tank, hit the gas station and point yourself to parts unknown. Still, each of the two models looks pretty good in its own right. Update November 2015: This Truck is sold.

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