Elizabeth represents fear and anger, and her being pushed down represents the sins of mankind. Who knows, it could all show up in the Blu-ray release and we can see it for ourselves, but we’ll have to wait and see. Jun 22 ’12 at 1: He has already made his decision about humanity and given the information he has up to that point, he assumes the Engineers already have enginrer own less than stellar opinion of humanity as well.Into the Spider-Verse Tag: Ridley Scott is big on ambiguity and mystery, and there was enginrer fair bit of both in his recent Alien non-prequel Prometheus. In the scene where David takes Peter Weyland Guy Pearce to see the Engineer, David speaks the Engineer’s ancient language, asking a question that is not subtitled. This is consistent with how David behaves through the earlier parts of the movie.

He is also fascinated by the idea that a thing can meet its maker. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?We know that David is capable of murder because he has no feelings for humans.

It is now later. If so, Well, according to Dr. Anil Biltoo, the film’s official translator and linguistics consultant, David did as he was asked, translating his words as follows: “This man is here because he does not want to die.

The Engineer maintained a surprising level of apparent emotional control during his attack on the team and his subsequent launching of his ship.

David replies "sometimes before you can create you must destroy". Evidence includes the soft touch the engineer originally gives David -- basically the engineer was thinking "there's something unusual about this one. He was the only one on this ship to make it back to stasis and secure himself before the pathogen was able to reach him. I assume he does know who the humans are, it's his business and his job to drop all those vials of black gunk in his pay load. He told the Engineer what Weyland wanted him to say:[A]ccording to Dr. Anil Biltoo, the film’s official translator and linguistics consultant, David did as he was asked, translating his words as follows: "This man is here because he does not want to die. Perhaps... however, as a movie character it just would not make sense if he gave them all a big hug, said 'well done, you've made it' then flew off to destroy earth.I think it more like the engineer is seeing the very thing its people fear right in front of it. So the Engineers are planet builders, which is exactly what Wayland Industries has become. It only takes a minute to sign up.My question is, did the Engineer destroy David and go on a rampage because of what he said, or did he have another reason for that? So the Engineers are planet builders, which is exactly what Wayland Industries has become.In an interview revealed at Total Film with Dr. It’s not explained what he was wrong about. We know that David is capable of murder because he has no feelings for humans.The Engineer sees his creation "mankind" in its raw form. Can someone tell me the full conversation between David and the Engineer.The engineer sees David speak to him in is native speech. He didn't seem to act with a sense of urgency... hence my answer.downvote because this does not answer question "what did David say?" Ridley Scott admits he got it ‘wrong’ with Prometheus Trent Moore. It's not explained what he was wrong about.So I think it's clear that David says something condemning the human race to the Engineer while everyone else in the room is acting badly. In Prometheus, when the android David is talking with the Engineer, first he stumbles a bit and stays crouched, then they are all asking him questions and David seems to translate it.Then they all stand up, the Engineer strokes his chair and snaps.

"I am not sure why the engineer turns on the rest of the humans but is probably in self defense and/or in conjunction with his apparent original mission of killing off human life on earth.To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. "What David said was exactly what Weyland told him to say, as David is an android programmed to serve Weyland. There is no evidence that David ever disobeys Weyland.I think the engineer decapitated David to confirm quickly that David was not a human. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. So I think what he asked was probaly what wyland asked him to ask, it was just the shock of seeing that humans had learned so much about there creators.

Does David betray his creator? Did the complexity help or hurt the film?This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. David speaks to the Engineer and he turns to David, places his hand on his head almost to say "I am pleased, but also I am sorry". Would he use the opportunity to ask a different question than he was asked or would he comply out of duty (or programming). But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. So yes @ShizZ. Seems the upvotes are in all the wrong places, lolNo. Mankind has started to mimic it's creators, mankind has even created David so they've become a creator as well.When the Engineer is awakened he is faced with his own creation, that is mankind. Audiences are still asking questions about "Prometheus," which probably says everything you need to know about Ridley Scott's confounding, fascinating and frustrating return to science fiction. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

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