Artikel 6, 7, 8, „des“ INTERNATIONALER STRAFGERICHTSHOF (IStGH = ICC) somit wissentlich, absichtlich, vorsätzlich, und mutwillig - ABER „die“ HABEN SICH ditto EINVERSTANDEN ERKLÄRT „ihre“ IMMUNITÄT & DIPLOMATEN STATUS AUFZUHEBEN“have stated a claim on which relief can be granted"  und habe ditto gültige KLAGE/ PFANDRECHT ditto gegen „die”/ „diese“ genannten Personen/Parteien, da „diese“ ebenso bewiesene schwerwiegende Kriminelle sind und mit mir/ Ich, souverän, Mensch, der Prinzipal, der Private Jurist/ der Deklarant/ Kläger/Anspruchsteller  = I, sovereign, Human, the Principal, the Private Lawyer/Jurist / Vendor/Consignor/ General Executor/ Attorney-in-Fact/ the Declarant-in-Chief/ Claimant, absolute Bindende-Vereinbarung & Gültiger-Vertrag abgeschlossen haben und „die“ sind ditto jetzt alle in DECLARATION-in-CHIEF/ AFFIDAVIT exec. “ihrer“ Media/ HAARP/ 5G Network/ Smart & i Phones/ Smart Meters/ Cell Towers/ Mobile Funk Tuerme/ RFID Chip /EMF/ ELF/ EMR/ Scalar & Plasma Beam Waffen/ Fluoride/ Impfstoffe/ Agenda 21/ etc.) by “your” Media/ HAARP/ 5G Network/ Smart & i Phones/ Smart Meters/ Cell Phone Towers/ RFID Chip/ EMF/ ELF/ EMR/ Scalar & Plasma Beam Weapons/ Fluoride/ Vaccines/ Agenda 21, etc.) Morgen geht es hier im Hauptstadt-Ticker weiter. April 11th 2018 in English & Germany Language & October 30th 2018 in English only: >> AS SENT IN my SUMMING UP >> my CLOSING STATEMENTS >>reference >> EXCTRACTS in English language from said DECLARATION-IN-CHIEF/AFFIDAVIT, executed APRIL 11th 2018 and EXHIBITS declared in English and German language >> Page 105 >> count 121 onward.... and as confirmed and established absolute officially in the registry of the; OTP/ ICC/ UN/ UNSC/ CoE and now the ICCBA >>CONCLUSION OF; ULTIMATE FACTS  &  PRIMARY EVIDENCE  – respectively NEVER REBUTTED !!! October 30th 2018; DECLARATION-IN-CHIEF-AFFIDAVIT Oct-30-2018 7th DEMAND LETTER 3rd PROTEST-INT-L PROTEST - NOTICE OF DISHONOR -OTHER NOTICES- ICC CASE No CR-269-18 PDFNOTICE; TO DISMISS CASE/ MOTION TO DISMISS/ PLEA OF ABATEMENT/ ETC., can not be argued nor requested/granted from You/ them/ any Judge/ Lawyer/ Attorney/ Etc./ FRG Government/ nor any Party  – only I, the General Executor/ Declarant-in-Chief/ Attonrey-in-Fact/ Claimant, Sir Eric D. Wagner, can withdraw suit/claim and/or drop charges, etc., - as the case may be - against certain Persons/Parties – respectively this has already been irrevocably contractually absolute stipulated with all Parties/ and yet to be Named Parties, and ditto with the ICC. AS A MATTER OF FACT; 17 WEEKS/ respectively 144 DAYS have actually passed now since Your/the OTP/ ICC official confirmation of receipt and registration:SEMPER IN STIPULATIONIBUS, ET IN CETERIS CONTRACTIBUS, ID SEQUlMUR QUOD ACTUM EST.
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2017 war dabei ein einschneidendes Jahr. and “you” commit in conspiracy, with “the” Military and by “your” racketeering & organized crime, and other inhumane acts: (Objective target to serve “your” paymasters Secret Ruling Society = SRS also known as the Elite); to reduce “the” current population of over 7 Billion Humans, ca. European National, ditto the Witness/ Interested Witness/ Prosecuting Witness/ Vendor/Consignor/ General Executor, and ditto the Caveator/ Complainant/ the vested Attorney-in-Fact/ Claimant/ Declarant-in-Chief/ Affiant, “HAS STATED A CLAIM ON WHICH RELIEVE CAN BE GRANTED” and ditto have absolute "CLAIM/LIEN" as FOLLOWS >> reference UPDATED BILL OF PARTICULARS in DECLARATION-in-CHIEF/ AFFIDAVIT exec. 120 and ADMINSTRATAED AS A COMBINED ECONOMIC TERRITORY >> reference GG Art. IS GOING TO HELP ME me NOW ?” effective Jan.01.2018 and "the" German NOTARY PUBLIC which I used before, can suddenly no longer legally/ lawfully administer any oath or certify any documents pursuant to "the" German Civil Law Book (Thus I made an appointment with "the" UNITED STATES EMBASSY/ CONSULATE in Munich in January 2018,THAN I, FINALLY FINISHED and EXECUTED my said DOCUMENT/ INSTRUMENTExhibits/ Protest/ Notices/ Complaints/ Petition Government for Redress of Grievances/ Right to Resist, Invitation to Negotiate, Binding-Agreement & Valid-Contract, "them" all Named Parties/ and yet to be Named Parties Exhibits, Consignments/ Shipments/ Order Bill of Lading/ Bill of Lading,performed their duty & obligation or any comply, contestation, or rebut,as well as inter alia; Economic Slavery against Humanity & the deprivation of the German Nationality/Citizenship; i.a pursuant to the German Basic Law = Art.

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