She asks Ellie to come back to bed but Ellie reveals she has to go kill Abby; she believes it will end her PTSD and enable her to eat and sleep again. Dina is one of the luckiest characters in the game as she manages to make it alive. The next day, both were partnered up for their patrol and consummated their relationship at Dina insisted on joining Ellie's journey to Seattle in the latter's pursuit for vengeance against Joel's murderers, displaying high loyalty to her. However, he reveals he actually came to ask the pair to pursue Abby again, having narrowed down her location. The two are nowhere to be found, and we see that the entire homestead has been cleared from their studio area. She is seen as Ellie's partner and the one who helps her on her quest for revenge. Ellie pleads with Abby to spare Dina, revealing the latter is pregnant, however Abby says "good" and goes to slit Dina's throat. Ellie confessed she didn't want to lose Dina.

At some point prior to 2033, Jesse moved to Jackson under the settlement leadership of Tommy and Maria. He was Ellie's friend and the leader of the patrol groups in Jackson. The Last of Us Part II is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective.The player traverses post-apocalyptic environments such as buildings and forests to advance the story. She doesn't get to be more important than that. After finding her own things put aside in a room, Ellie leaves everything — everything including the guitar that Joel gave her — behind, choosing to walk out of the house before the credits roll.Welcome to the new GameRevolution community platformAffiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links.monitoring_string = "9825918b2b361fb0e003f4935ce18ae6" Dina told Ellie that if she got her hands on her sister's killer she would do worse than what Tommy did to those who helped kill Joel, displaying extreme devotion to Talia. The game is exclusive for the PlayStation 4 and is available in four editions – Standard Edition, Special Edition, Collector's Edition, and Ellie Edition. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Dina is one of the prominent characters in The Last of Us Part 2.

The Last of Us Part 2 has been regarded as one of the biggest projects from acclaimed video game developer Naughty Dog.The game offers nearly 30 hours of gameplay, embarking on an adventure full of twists and turns, along with gore and violence. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. She is voiced and motion-captured by Shannon Woodward. She’s also aware of how well they take care of each other and the children in the settlement. Put putting Dina in Joel's place would have been better in my opinion. Jesse was a supporting character who appeared in The Last of Us Part II within Ellie's story. Finding Abby beating Ellie, Dina ran up to Abby, tackled her and slashed her with her knife. Dina gives birth to a kid name JJ, likely named after the deceased Joel and Jesse. Talia used to take Dina to a synagogue to pray, a practice that Dina took up herself in private. "We have a family. The day after, Dina and Ellie are assigned to patrol the creek trails, the route which Dina had previously covered with the late The next morning, Dina is present as Ellie is mourning over Joel's grave. Afterwards, Dina, Ellie and Tommy returned to Jackson.

The next day Ellie and Jesse left the theater to look for Tommy. Dina and Ellie live on a farm with each other, though Ellie still has PTSD from Joel's death. The Last of Us 2's ending leaves a number of unanswered questions, but many players likely want to know what happened to one character in particular.There has been some speculation over whether Dina and J.J. died at Even though there’s no evidence to suggest Dina and her son stuck around in This still begs the question, where did Dina go after leaving the farm at the end of Though there doesn’t appear to be anything officially confirming this is Dina’s whereabouts, it would make the most sense.

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