- Shipwrecks and their icons should now correctly vanish on the map after 5 days. Functionality still works and can be used on Unofficial Servers, a word from our Lead Designer: - Removed most unique discoveries to reduce the grind of getting to the max level cap. Camera shakes, tremor audio plays and icicles fall from above the player. - Added a "turn off" option to ballista and catapult - Further optimizations for structure replication in multiplayer networking - Hid the unclaim boat button as it's not ready for public release yet

- Fixed ships capsizing with cargo harnesses equipped to bears/horses The in-game HUD will let you know whether your current claim flag is in a valid location. - Further optimisations for bUseNewStructureFoundationSupportChecks - [XBOX SPECIFIC] Fixed a bug caused by vivox/parties which would cause the fps to degrade over time - Fixed displayed ingredient requirements for Unthinkable Delicacy - Tax Banks can only be placed by Admins or above in companies. This should improve how it feels when the camera is brushed up against a collision in the world. - Fixed a bug which caused the Raider of the Deep quest to disappear - Added Kraken Wheel Skin to the "Power of the Gods" Quest (Beat the Hard Kraken again to unlock it if you've already completed that quest) - Added a new slider: Ship Draw Distance (note: changing this will require a client reconnect to take effect). This means, during bonus rate events, imprint timers will automatically adjust to compensate for the quicker maturation. Atłas (arab. - Decreased Equilibrium buff attack damage bonus from 20% to 10% - Fixed some unharvestable rocks and adding Fiber to missing freeports These are based on the highest terrain points, before considering mountains, large rock formations or steep pillars. You are unable to host a Private Match at the same time as a Password Protected Session at this time. Game.ini ShooterGameMode bDontRequireLargeCannonsToSnapOnShips=true - Claim Flags now have a toggleable setting in Settlements mode which allows Settlement owners to choose whether to pay and feed the NPC Crew for allies or everyone settled on the island. - Fixed a bug which prevented salted prime meat from generating in a preserving bag Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. - Increased mortar damage against ships and ship structures by 30% - If an explosive barrel is destroyed while being held, the damage is now always considered to come from the holder (and not a different source) - Cleared up the pinwheel text on Claim Flags, so they now indicate what it'll be changed to. Once you have a frame crafted, you'll need to craft a deck and some planks. - Increased leniency in dismount sockets and lowered acceptance for placement on the Puckle (NPC's should no longer dismount with legitimate builds) - Fixed Shipyards at max storage capacity (300) fail to create ships. - Crewmembers will no longer eat Water Jars from the food larder or their inventories - Increase the number of health/armor states from 4 to 5 It now takes 25% of all DPs, rather than 50%. A single + means ally crew will take gold/food from claim flags. - Scissors now snip at 2.5 durability per snip instead of 5 They should not generate anymore going forward If they fail to enter the password, they'll have to restart the client before they can have another chance to join. - Fixed a bug which would not allow players to change the name of the ship if they hadn't previously given it a name (this only occurred when pressing accept without naming it, rather than cancel)

- RMB or Middle Mouse Button will now "drop" a grenade - Critical Save Changes to Non-ATLAS Dedi/Blackwood which fixes the following, but may require a save wipe: - Bottom rows on server grid select UI are now properly clickable

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