Stay tuned! If with conditional formatting. in cells underneath the top cell?How to make timestamp for a cell created date (when a value is entered in cell) and last modified date (when the value in the cell is changed)?I only found formula which record the workbook create/last mod date.when i open excel sheet automatically show on the current date!
The names need to dynamically adapt to the PivotTable’s dimensions and increase or decrease accordingly.There are numerous ways to create a dynamic named range, and I’ll illustrate one such possibility. There are several ways to add dates in Excel depending on what exactly you want to do.
We can open the drop-down calendar by clicking on the down arrow symbol. My motto is: Learn Excel. This page explains how to create a your own validation rule based on a custom formula if you need more control or flexibility. This technique is dynamic, so that as transactions are added or removed, it is easy to update the drop-down lists to reflect valid date choices based on the dates of the transactions.Before we dig into the mechanics, let’s review our objective.We export data from our accounting system on a regular basis, and use it to drive some reports. Create Drop Down Lists in Excel using Data Validation: Restricts user to input data manually. We’d like to provide the user with the ability to select a From and To date based on the transactions dates.Based on the data in the table, we want to provide two drop-downs that allow the user to select a From date and a To date, as follows.The transactions in the table begin at 1/11/2015. Alright, let’s proceed to the mechanics.To summarize our game plan, we will store the data transactions in a table, create two helper columns in the table that auto-fill as new transactions are added, create an intermediate PivotTable to dynamically provide one row for each From and To date combination, use dynamic named references to grab the PivotTable values, and set up data validation to provide the in-cell drop down.It is very important to store the data transactions in a table (Insert > Table). Please I use Excel 2016 and I’d like to create a drop down calendar that insert date into a separate cell. Many task lists include a Priority or Status column, such as the Homework To Do List shown below. In this post, we’ll create two data validation drop-down cells that provide the ability to select From and To dates based on the transaction dates stored in the source data. If you are curious to know how Excel stores dates and times, please check out part 1 of this tutorial - You can type a date in an Excel cell in a variety of ways, for example 1/1/2015, or 1-Jan-2015, or 1-Jan, or January 1, 2015. We need to click on any date in the calendar in the selected month to enter that date in the selected cell. The table name is omitted since that formula is written inside the same table. I am hopeful these date entering techniques, shortcuts, functions and Excel auto date features have proved useful to you. So, the formula for the BOM column follows:Since the data is stored in a table, Excel will automatically fill these helper columns down for any new data rows.With our helper columns in place, it is time to create the PivotTable. Microsoft and the Office logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. The dynamic named ranges incorporate them and feed them into the data validation input cells.There are many ways to accomplish any given task in Excel, so, if you have an alternative or preferred method for any of the steps presented above, please share by posting a comment below…thanks!If you'd like to be notified when I write a new Excel article, enter your name and email and click SUBSCRIBE.