Rotate Right Stick to either shoulder.Hold LT to post up. Use Left Stick to select receiver.Double tap Triangle to pass. Use Left Stick to choose the pick side.Once a pick is called, press L1 again at any time before the screener gets hit to have them Slip or Fade early.Press L1 then R1, then press and hold the teammate's action button to have them set the screen.After a made basket, the player inbounding the ball may move along the baseline. Shooting controls, dribbling controls, passing controls, defense controls, post offense controls, off-ball offense controls, advanced offense controls, and advanced defense controls Move Right Stick toward the dribbler or the hoop.Hold L2 to post up. Ein weiterer defensiver Indikator ist der Kreis unter dem Gegenspieler, der anzeigt, wie hoch die Chance auf einen erfolgreichen Steal ist. Um den Pick and Roll zu verteidigen, muss ein anderer Spieler die Position des geblockten Verteidigers übernehmen. Use Left Stick to select receiver.Press Y to pass. Press X as the ball is being passed in.Repeatedly press X while chasing down a loose ball.Press LB then RB, then press the teammate's action button. SONY Limited Edition Gold Wireless Headset Gold Wireless Headset, Schwarz/GoldSpongebob Squarepants: BFBB - Rehydrated [PlayStation 4]PlayStation Live Cards 50 Euro (Guthaben-Aufstockung PSN Live Card für deutsche SEN-Konten)SONY Limited Edition DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless-Controller Controller, SchwarzStar Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Standard Edition [PlayStation 4]PlayStation Hits: Metal Gear Solid V - Definitive Experience [PlayStation 4]PlayStation Plus Card 12 Monate (für deutsche SEN-Konten)Fallout, Metro, Far Cry: Keinen Bock mehr auf Endzeit!Resident Evil 3: Das muss das Remake besser machen! Ist der Kreis geschlossen, ist es unratsam einen Steal zu versuchen, wenn der Kreis gebrochen ist, habt ihr eine höhere Chance den Ball zu klauen.Beide Neuerungen erleichtern euch das Verteidigen in NBA 2K20. Move and hold Right Stick left or right away from the hoop.Hold LT to post up.
Move Right Stick up or down when the offensive player attempts to transition.Hold LT to engage in the post. Move Right Stick up then quickly release.Hold L2 to post up. Move and hold Left Stick left, right, or down then tap Square.Hold L2 to post up. It's also useful for freezing them for a stop-and-go blowby to the hoop.Holding L2 allows you to use your body to shield off defenders while dribbling.
Move Right Stick in any direction then quickly release (while holding the ball).Hold LT to post up.
Move Left Stick toward the offensive player.Hold L2 to engage in the post. Move Left Stick in any direction then quickly release (while holding the ball).Hold L2 to post up. Grundlegend habt ihr folgende Passoptionen zu Auswahl:Den normalen Pass solltet ihr einsetzen, wenn ihr eine Durch Dribbel-Manöver könnt ihr den Verteidiger abschütteln, um in eine freie Wurf- oder Passposition zu gelangen. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad beginnt sehr moderat und im Verlaufe der Story nehmt ihr an verschiedenen Trainingssessions teil. Enter these codes in game to get free rewards such as players, packs and tokens. In den roten Zonen wirft der Spieler besonders effektiv und in den blauen Zonen trifft er am schlechtesten. )Press A before the initial receiver gets the ball. )Press A before the initial receiver gets the ball. Hold R2 and move Right Stick down then quickly release.Hold L2 to post up. Hold R2 and move Right Stick up then quickly release.Hold L2 to post up. Move Right Stick down and quickly release (while holding the ball).Hold LT to post up. Then, rotate Right Stick to either shoulder.Hold L2 to post up. Then, rotate Right Stick to either shoulder.Hold L2 to post up.