After releasing the jealousy and anger, Amara finally had what she really wanted all the time: her brother back what made her happy. If one of them is destroyed, reality ceases to exist.It is also implied that she would never change her nature; God himself tried to convince her that their creations could end up to be greater than themselves, but Amara always dismissed him and destroyed any world he created.

When preparing to leave Chuck, she dons a suit with a yellow blazer, sunglasses, and her hair long and loose as she previously had it. Through the combined power of God and the Archangels, God sealed her away, not wanting to kill her, by using the Mark of Cain as both a lock and key. The Darkness, often called by her other name Amara, is a supremely powerful primordial entity who has existed since before the beginning of time, predating both God and Death, who were of similar age. She states that while she has accepted them existing together, she no longer wants to be in the same place as him and sees her brother as the same petulant, narcissistic being he always was while she has changed and adapted into the "better me".

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She wore black shoes and had noticeably black nails. After all, Amara is a goddess, and Dean is merely human.

Amara actually consumes souls and seeks to destroy everything that her brother (Chuck/God) created. Dean/Amara is the het canonical and fanfiction pairing the characters Dean Winchester and Amara / the Darkness in a romantic or sexual relationship.. The pairing and connection between the two in canon was never fully defined, outside of a general longing the two had for each other. This connection extended to neither being able to hurt the other, as well as a feeling of protectiveness of the other. In her human form/vessel, Amara had dark brown hair and fair skin. As an adult, she kept her hair long and loose and wore a black dress with a v-neck. Sometime later, after her brother God came into being, he created the Archangels to fight a terrible war against her. Amara said that she only wanted solitude, whereas God wanted a "fan club", and Lucifer said she wanted nothingness. It seemed she had built her vengeance so much that Amara never considered what would happen when she succeeded. The pairing and connection between the two in canon was never fully defined, outside of a general longing the two had for each other. However, Amara still retains something of a grudge against God as seen with her taking pleasure in the fact that she is trapping him in much the same way as he once did to her.The Darkness was the beginning of everything; prior to her nothing else existed.She is one of the two fundamental components of reality itself, the other being her brother God.

The Mark eventually began to assert a will of its own, becoming the first curse. She sensed that he was wounded and weakened, but she ultimately refused to help him, effectively leaving God trapped on Earth.

She is also very grateful and resurrects When God returns three years after the end of the war with Amara, he tells the Winchesters and Castiel that he and Amara have had a nice time reconnecting as a family. While both Dean and Amara did not fully understand their connection to each other, Amara was more willing to explore it, while Dean showed more trepidation and confusion. The Mark started to corrupt Lucifer, which amplified his eventual contempt for humanity, an… Despite her beliefs, Amara showed the ability to admit that she is wrong and to make amends as she did with God. Amara had been jealous of God for needing something else; something that was not her, but after he created life and made her consumed by rage. However, a meaningful relationship between Amara and Dean could be interesting, but it's also toxic and imbalanced. In terms of height, she was shorter than Dean and the same height as God's human form. After being confronted with the reality of what she did, she understood her mistake. From the moment of her release, Amara became infatuated by As God and his creation began to die, Amara really began to see beauty at all and admitted that along with the real reason for her actions: jealousy. When God decided to implement Creation, He along with the archangels sacrificed the Darkness, tricking it into being locked away in a prison rather than destroying her and disrupting the Cosmic Balance. To serve as the lock and key to this cage, God created a Mark, and gave it to Lucifer. Her outfit gradually changed from pink to dark pink to red and then finally to black as she grew older. For example Amara's final look to Dean when she sends him away, before being hit with by the massive angel smiting, and Dean admitting to Sam that he won't be able to bring himself to kill her.

Amara has apparently developed a taste for playing keno now, showing that she has gained an enjoyment for at least some human things. With Dean's help, the Darkness reconciled with her brother and departed the Earth with him, but not before leaving Dean Over two years later, the Darkness returned to Earth and was visited by her brother. After departing the Earth to reconcile with God, Amara began wearing more casual attire with a ponytail. Amara is the embodiment of the Darkness; God's sister. Later, Amara redeems herself and seems to adjust to Earth. It's later revealed that although the two have grown closer, Amara remains annoyed with her brother and his refusal to change and has been taking some time away from God. Due to her imprisonment, Amara had no knowledge or understanding of how In her younger forms, she was very impatient and easily became upset if she wasn't given what she wanted immediately, due to Both Lucifer and Amara alluded to their long-term plans, but with different connotations. Even after being imprisoned since the dawn of time, she continued to wreak havoc upon the world as soon as she was unleashed and intended to annihilate all of existence in order to recreate the world the way she wants.However, despite wreaking havoc, Amara did show that she could see the beauty in the world, and willingly healed her brother to prevent the universe from being destroyed. Lucifer stated that, unlike God, whom he describes as "a master strategist," Amara is prone to tantrums and baldness of experience.

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